Saturday, January 9, 2016


The name's, Bond. James Bond.

I wish I was Bond, or at least knew him. But one can only dream.


This post is dedicated to one of my best friends, Inpaine.

Yes. I finally have friends, since I started college last fall.

But enough about me, this post is about him. Below is a link to one of his videos.

Blessings - Inpaine

Unfortunately, I cannot actually insert the video in the post, but click on the link.

He is a very good friend of mine and I really like his music. I mean I'm not a huge, rap fan. I only really like Inpaine and Eminem. And I liked Eminem before I met Inpaine.

Which is ironic (...coincidental?) because Eminem was a huge inspiration for him.

I'm eating Jelly Belly jelly beans as I type this so, I'm suffering.

But back to the subject.

Inpaine is from Harlem, New York. How do I know him? We go to school together.

Below is a link to his most recent video, which is personally, one of my favorite songs, not just of his, but of 2016 so far.

Hate Ballad (Problem) - Inpaine

Was I right? And if you're not a fan of rap- like at all- I am sorry, and you are entitled to your own opinions. EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE WRONG!

Kidding. You are entitled to your own opinions.

This post was short, compared to yesterday's, but I don't think you guys like long posts.

I am adding the links to Inpaine's Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube channel. Check him out.

@InpaineMusic Twitter

Inpaine Facebook

InpaineMusic YouTube Channel

This blog post has been a Public Service Annoucement brought to you be Inpaine.

Kidding. This was all McCartha's hard work. And by hard work, all I did was type about one of my best friends and promote his music.


Friday, January 8, 2016

Brandon Rogers

First of all, let me apologize for not posting the last few days. On Monday, I got two wisdom teeth taken out and all I've been doing since then is watch Brandon Rogers videos....I am a bit obsessive at this moment. And that's why I'm dedicating this post to him.

And if Brandon ever sees this, if you don't want to read the whole post of me talking about you being amazing, feel free to scroll down to the end. :)

Brandon Rogers being a babe.
To start off the actual post, I would like to point out that Brandon Rogers is physically aesthetic.

Why did I want to write a blog post about another YouTuber?

Brandon Rogers is not just another YouTuber. His videos are not just vlogs. Don't get me wrong, I love Shane Dawson, Lisbug, and Dan&Phil (just to name a few). But Rogers' videos are pretty much short films.

His videos are comedic, and yes YouTube is full of comedians, but Rogers stands out.

I first discovered him when someone on Instagram posted a clip of Mad Tea Party. I don't remember what clip it was, but I remember laughing my ass off and finding the full video on YouTube and really liking it. I watched the Five Nights at Freddie's parody and the human centipede parody.

But I left it at that. I didn't really watch any other videos for a while. But I revisited the Mad Tea Party videos because I am a huge Alice in Wonderland fan and the Mad Hatter has to be my favorite character that Rogers has portrayed.

Brandon Rogers as the Mad Hatter in Grandpa Hates Christmas
When he plays a character, he becomes the character. Of course it's still Brandon Rogers, but while you're watching the video he is the character completely.

Brandon Rogers is truly a gift to the world.

While the Mad Hatter is my favorite character of Rogers', I think the best character he portrays is Grandpa.

It's a hilarious character and it's what made Rogers go viral.
Rogers as his viral character, Grandpa, in Grandpa Hates Christmas
I remember seeing the vines that different people made of the "try me, bitch" scene and I knew it was Brandon Rogers, but for some reason I didn't look for the video, like I would normally do.

I didn't really get into Rogers until last week, because I was looking for a new YouTuber to get into and I hadn't seen all his videos, so I decided to give him a try.

I have literally laughed over his videos to the point of tears. And since the pain with my wisdom tooth started, before I got the surgery, I watched his videos and for those few minutes, I laughed until I cried and I forgot the pain that was my wisdom tooth growing horizontally.

And then after the surgery, I kept re-watching his videos because they were better than any pain meds that I was given.

Even as I'm typing this blog, I'm watching Theater Class again.

The fact that I have watched these videos multiple times and can still laugh, is amazing.

But I didn't just become a Brandon Rogers fan over his comedic videos. I think what really pulled me in was his darker videos. I am a huge Tim Burton/Johnny Depp fan.

The Tale of Wendylin Wayne, The Jabberwocky, and Wonka on Acid (which is included below), are probably my favorite videos.

Johnny Depp is my favorite actor in the Universe. I bring him up because he and Rogers are very similar, in that they become the characters they play.

Watch any of Rogers' character videos. The fact that you can separate him from the characters he plays is amazing. And I think that's why he sticks out to me.

And I still haven't figured out if it makes me an asshole when I laugh at his offensive jokes.


If you ever see this, I really do think you are amazing and talented. And even though I've been a fan for a short time, it have not regretted it.

Even though I don't have a life changing stories like some of your other fans, I have a very low tolerance for pain, so the fact that your videos helped me survive the oral surgery and you always cheer me up is actually a big thing to me.

Congratulations, on your 10 years on YouTube!

Notice me senpai, my Instagram is @drink_to_me and I have some fanart for you.

Saturday, January 2, 2016


So today's blog is quick.

Happy birthday to my dweeb of a little brother, Josh.

Happy birthday to anyone else.