Sunday, July 26, 2015

I Ship It Sundays - Marcnifer

Love is all, the laughter and the tears that fall. The mundane and the magical. Love is all.

One of the most stunning couples of Hollywood
At least they were one of the most stunning couples of Hollywood. You probably read the title and read that this blog post is about Marcnifer.

Made up of Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez. With my last blog post, you saw how I love and adore my flaco Rican, Marco Antonio Muniz.

But I also adore his second wife, Jennifer Lopez. And I adored them as a couple.

Marcnifer was my definition of true love when I was a kid. They were what I would have identified as "happily ever after" but they divorced, and well my whole world shattered.

Kidding. But let me tell you, when I found out that they were separated, I was crushed. Forreal.

I have loved them so much for as long as I can remember. They got married in 2004. I was seven. So maybe not for as long as I can remember- actually yes. Because I cannot remember a time before Marcnifer.

They've been friends- or have known each other- since at least 1999.
"No Me Ames" was the first song they did together. Before they got married. I believe that they were both single at the time, but I don't think they had a romance or anything because in 2001 Lopez married dancer, Chris Judd, and Anthony married Miss Universe 1999, Dayanara Torres in 2000.

I grew up around both of their music. My grandmother played Anthony's music sometimes and my aunt played Lopez's music (which I didn't learn was JLo until very recently).

But let me explain why I ship Marcnifer.

What they HAD* is what I want. Sure. It wasn't perfect. I know that. But they really loved each other. And I think that they still do love each other, even though they've moved on and are seeing other people.

When they were married, they weren't just husband and wife. They were best friends.

In his eyes she was perfect in her own way. And in her eyes he was perfect in his own way. I mean I can really imagine them staring into each other's eyes for hours.
I love this video. This was after they are already married. They are so cute together.

They both had a lot insecurities as most people do. But I bet he loved (maybe still loves) everything she hated about herself. And she loved (loves) everything he hated about himself.

What they had was beautiful. And I think that's one of the reasons I loved them. And why I still love them to this day, after the divorce and Anthony's third marriage.

They were the first celebrities I "stalked" through media. Every time I would go to the store, I would go through the magazines searching for anything about them.

Maybe they're not true love, but I strongly believe that they are soul mates.

I love the fact that they are still good friends, after the divorce and they're co-parenting.
At the twins 7th birthday party after they separated.
I love it not just because of their kids, Max and Emme, but because they were good friends before they got married. They had a beautiful friendship, which is probably how they fell in love over 10 years ago.
This one if one of my favorites of them. They are all so cute together. It makes me happy.
If you still haven't seen El Cantante since my last blogpost, YOU NEED TO GO WATCH IT NOW

Anthony and Lopez are both in is, playing husband and wife. It is the only film they have done together.
I think that they only did three songs together, which is weird, because they were married for ten years.

Only did one movie together and three songs. A bit upsetting to the Marcnifer fans, but it's okay. Because we get pictures of them and the kids together every once in a while.
An old photo, but my favorite. Why can't a guy look at me like that?
And I think that they still love each other. And they will always love each other.

They will never have what they had with each other, with anyone else.
During and the separation and the divorce, they did Q'Viva and if you watch clips on YouTube, you can see that they are still really good friends and I just love it.

And I do want a friendship like theirs, so if you see my "Be the Marc to me JLo" posts on social media, remember this blog post.

I want a love like theirs and a friendship like theirs.
I am ending with this photo because I love it.

From Left to Right:
Ryan Muniz, Anthony's third son
Shannon de Lima, Anthony's current [3rd] wife
Marc Anthony (You can see his arm around Lopez)
Cristian Muniz, Marc's second son
Jennifer Lopez (Her arm is around her former step-son)
Beau Casper Smart, Lopez's [current?] boyfriend
Emme Muniz, Marcnifer's daughter
Chase Muniz, Anthony's oldest son
Max Muniz, Marcnifer's son

It's such a sweet picture, and this is most of the Muniz family (Lopez and Smart included). The only one missing is Anthony's oldest daughter, Ariana.

But you can tell from this photo that they are a family.

And I really do love BC Smart, so of course I want him and Lopez to get married because he makes her happy and he really loves the twins.

Sorry that this post was so long, I just poured myself out.

P.S. By the time I'm posting it (12:14 am) it's not Sunday anymore. OOPS!

I do not regret this post and I don't think I ever will.

This might just be one of my favorites.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Entertainment - Marc Anthony

Marco Antonio Muniz
Born September 16, 1968 in East Harlem, is at the top of the Salsa charts, nowadays. At least I think he is. Don't really know to be honest.

He is one of the few Spanish artist I listen to. Even though I am Spanish...

But he helped me embrace my Nuyorican roots, because to be honest I disowned my Puerto Rican heritage growing up. I didn't know any Spanish- well except for a few words here and there- and plus I just hated the food.
But in reality, I just hated my mom's cooking.

But anyway! This blog post is about Marco/Flaco/Marc/MA - what ever you call him.

I admire this man so much.

His voice.
Have you ever heard him sing?
Here is a video:
The song, Flor Palida, and the woman in the music video is his lovely wife, Shannon de Lima.

I love de Lima, but let me be completely honest, at first when they first got married, I wasn't a fan because I, like a lot of his fans, believed she was a gold digger. They are twenty apart.

But being a fangirl, who has been in love with a 73 year old (Paul McCartney! Don't be alarmed!) I believe that love has no age.

So I gave her a chance and I fell in love with her. Let me just say, people talk a lot of crap, but I STRONGLY believe that she loves him. And she makes him happy, and that makes me happy.
And she calls him daddy which is cute yet a bit disturbing if you ask me.


So Anthony has 7.5 (ish) kids.
Ariana and Chase from a woman named Debbie Rosado. Chase does look like Marc, but except for Chase's Instagram page, there really is no verification for sure.
Cristian and Ryan from his first wife, Dayanara Torres.
Max and Emme from his second wife, Jennifer Lopez, whom I love whole heatedly.
Then there is de Lima's son, and Anthony's step son, I believe his name is Daniel. He is adorable.
Then we have Tony el mono, or Tony the monkey, which is de Lima's monkey, Tony makes up the .5

Marc Anthony has a voice that I can listen to for hours, which I have done. I mean I fall asleep to his music every night. He's on the same level with Ramin Karimloo and Hadley Fraser.

He is also an amazing actor.

El Cantante - Man on Fire - East Side Story - Big Night - In the Time of the Butterflies - Hackers - The Substitute - Bringing Out the Dead

If you've seen any of these movies, you know he's a great actor.

If you ever watched Jada Pinkett Smith's show, HawthoRNe, Anthony played Detective Nick Renata. It is one of my favorite roles that he's ever done.

If you haven't seen El Cantante, YOU HAVE TOOOOOOO

There. I told you to, so go find it. It's online somewhere.

His first film, East Side Story, is on YouTube and I will include it at the bottom, it was hilarious and he was probably 19(ish) maybe 20.

Anthony is just an amazing man and I love him. And I feel like he's a real sweetheart.

I mean if you watch interviews, or you watch him perform with JLo, before they got married, during marriage, and after the divorce, you will see and understand.

If you watch him with de Lima, you'll understand.


East Side Story included below: Enjoy!!