Tuesday, January 27, 2015

TV - Why I Love Jack Harkness and Rory Williams

As my first official blog post, I would like to talk about one of my favorite TV shows, Doctor Who, and two of my favorite characters.

Doctor Who

What words can i use to describe Who? Fantastic. Allons-y. Geronimo. Those are too cliche. A lot of people will try to use those. How about I start off with explaining why I personally love two characters in the show? 
Captain Jack Harkness and Rory Williams, the Centurion.
Those are my favorite characters because John Barrowman, who plays Captain Harkess, lightens up my day no matter what and then Arthur Darvill is just charming, adorable, and just plain lovable.
This post is going to focus on the new series from 2005 to now, pretty much. With Nine-Christopher Ecceleston, Ten-David Tennant, Eleven-Matt Smith, and somewhat Twelve-Peter Capaldi. I am not completely caught up with Capaldi yet, and Rory and Jack are not in his season, so his season will not really apply to this post.
The very attractive and lovable John Barrowman as Captain Jack Harkness in Doctor Who/Torchwood.

Captain Jack Harkness

He is undeniably attractive. He flirts with anyone and everyone. Not because he has "low standards", but because he just thinks everyone is hot. Just remember, no matter how awkward you feel about yourself, Jack will most definitely flirt with you. That is why he is my #1 favorite character. Jack is the best, and he got his own spin-off. A SPIN-OFF!! Even Billie Piper's Rose Tyler spin-off couldn't get off the ground and we all know how much Whovians love her. If you have watched the new series of Who, but have never watched Torchwood, I HIGHLY recommend it. It's for more of an adult audience. As Doctor Who is a family show, Torchwood is more TV-MA. Jack Harkness is, to me, the most lovable character, because of his personality. I love the way John Barrowman portrays him I mean his first line on the show was, "Nice bottom". Not to mention he and Gareth David-Lloyd, Ianto in Torchwood, made a cute couple (Jianto Forever).

Have you ever heard John Barrowman sing? His voice is magnificent!
He does this song beautifully and he calls it his anthem, and I just love his voice.

The adorable Arthur Darvill, who portrayed Rory Williams in Doctor Who.

Rory Arthur Williams

Rory Williams is the man! Why do I say that? Because he waited 2000 years for Amy. Who does that? Rory does! He is the sweetest character. He is hopelessly in love with Amy. I just love him. I love the way Arthur Darvill portrayed him I cried every time he died. When I watched Angels in Manhattan and the Weeping Angel touched him at the end, I literally slammed shut my laptop and I wanted to scream. I think I did scream. I said, "No! He can't die if I don't finish the episode!" I was in denial for the rest of the season. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Clara, but I honestly love Rory more. Although Jack is my #1, Rory is ranked #0, because I love him so much, he doesn't even rank. I love him so much. I mean even at the beginning I loved him and I hoped to see more of him, which we did. Then when his idjit self touched the crack, my heart shattered. Poor Amy. She forgot about him, until he appeared as the Centurion. But when he held Melody in his arms for the first time and with tears in his eyes he said, "Damn. I wanted to be the cool dad," (or something of that nature) I melted, because the scene was so adorable. I just love him and watching his scenes makes me happy.

Below is a video of Arthur Darvill singing his parody of the song, "Let it Go" from Disney's Frozen.
Before I end this, can I point out that both of these guys just so happen to coincidentally have musical talents. John Barrowman does Broadway and theater, as well as his own solo career, and Arthur Darvill is in a band, I believe.

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