Friday, February 20, 2015

Entertainment - Supernatural - About a Boy

Warning: Spoilers Ahead!!
If you have not watched Supernatural Episode 10.12 - About a Boy, Do Not Read This Post
"Shake it off, shake it off."
I just finished watching, About a Boy, which is the twelfth episode of the tenth season of Supernatural.
Let me just say, I really liked this episode.
It was pretty amazing.
This pretty much sums up the episode, right?
Why did I love about a boy?
Let me count the ways.
1) Dylan Everett
2) Hansel and Gretel
3) Sam being too tall
4) "Your son is very nice"

Dylan Everett embodied Dean Winchester almost flawlessly. He got the mannerisms down pact, and I was a little bit disappointed that he left so soon, and I really want him to be in more episodes. He really is Jensen Ackles mini-me.
Do you see what I see?

Hansel and Gretel was on point with darkness. I love fairy tales. I love the Brothers Grimm because I have a taste for dark stories, and that is exactly what their tales are. Dark. I will be honest, Hansel and Gretel was never really a favorite of mine, but I still love it.

Sam is tall even without Dean being a teen. The scene in the car and with the window. Yes. I laughed. Supernatural can never crack enough tall people jokes.

;"Your son is very nice." Not even sure if that's even right, but I found it hilarious. Remember when people thought they were gay lovers? And now with Teen Dean and grown man Sam, they get mistaken for a father/son duo.

I really loved the episode and I think that Everett is an amazing actor, and I look forward to seeing him in Supernatural more.

I know it's Friday, and I was going to do, McCartha's Writing Fridays, but I thought nah.
I apologize for not blogging this week, I have been under the weather.
Still not feeling 100% (and coughing up a storm, while typing this) but I am going to try to blog A LOT more often.

By the way, I saw a guy at a smoke shop today, who looked like a really skinny (like toothpick) version of Rob Bennedict.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Congratulations BC and SH!!

Mr. Benedict Cumberbatch and Miss Sophie Hunter are officially married!!!

I just read an article on Daily Mail and I found pictures.

I am so happy right now, you have no idea!!
Sophie Hunter in her wedding dress
I wish we had better pictures of her in her wedding dress, but I know she looks just stunning!
Cumberbatch's Sherlock co-star, Andrew Scott, arriving at the wedding
I am only providing the photos I found on Daily Mail. There are more photos on social media sites. The Daily Mail article does not have a photo of Cumberbatch, but I did see a photo of him and Miss Hunter. Unfortunately it is on my phone, and I make these blog post on my laptop.

I no neither Cumberbatch, nor Miss Sophie will ever see this post, but I want to congratulate them.

And I wish them an eternity of happiness.

I just saw a photo of Tom Hiddleston dressed for the wedding and it made me smile. All I'm missing is to see photos of Martin Freeman and Cumberbatch's parents at the wedding.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Entertainment - Hunterbatch Wedding!

Benedict Cumberbatch with fiance Sophie Hunter

I can't explain how happy I am for them! I feel like I am going to explode with rainbows and unicorns!
Rainbows and Unicorns! And BC!
They are going to be married on Valentine's day, which is tomorrow.

I have been a fan of BC since Star Trek Into the Darkness where he played Khan Noonien Singh. I fell in love with hi acting and I started watching BBC Sherlock shortly after.

He is an extraordinary actor and he deserved a damn Oscar, Emmy, and a BAFTA.

Believe me. I have seen 80% of his filmography.

Ever since I became a fan of his I knew he wanted to be a father and I wrote fan fiction, after fan fiction making it happen.

When he announced his engagement to Sophie Hunter I was very excited because, even though I am not familiar with her work, or her as an actress, I believe that she makes him happy and that's all that matters.

When they announced her pregnancy I literally cried because I was so happy. I was more happy about BC becoming a father than him getting married.

Today, while I was on my way home, I saw on Instagram that they are getting married tomorrow (Valentine's Day 2015) and I made an inhuman noise, which I hope no one heard.

I really just want BC to be happy and I believe that Sophie Hunter makes him happy and I think he loves her a lot and I can't wait for the little Cumberbatch to be born.

Congratulations to the future Mr, and Mrs. Cumberbatch!
Both pictures above are Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter at the 2015 BAFTAs
Just look at the way they look at each other. They are really in love!

If you don't ship Hunterbatch, then I don't understand you.

Another thing, some fan girls are getting bent out of shape because he is getting married and they are being jerks about it

Why can't you be happy for him?
Why must you hate on Sophie Hunter?

If you are a fan of BC, you should be happy because he's happy.

Please don't be a miserable single sap and ruin his day.

He deserves to be happy.

And accept the fact that he is officially going to be off the market.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

TV - Boardwalk Empire

HBO's Boardwalk Empire has become one of my favorite shows since I got into it, last summer. I binged and caught up with the show within a few weeks and I watched it until the finale episode.
Boardwalk Empire Cast
Why did I fall in love with Boardwalk? I think it has to do with the fact that it's a bit historical fiction and I am a future history major. It has mobsters. It has great story lines. It has gorgeous costumes. Not to mention the set was just amazing!
Enoch "Nucky" Thompson and Jimmy Darmody
I loved the different story lines and how in the end,  they all connected someway. I am kind of hoping for a spin off with Lucky Luciano because the last scene with Luciano, portrayed by Vincent Piazza, was when Luciano started the five families.

I think that the cast was amazing. Especially those who portrayed historical figures like Lucky Luiano, Al Capone, Benny Siegel. Meyer Lansky, Arnold Rothstein, and many others.

Personally, my favorite character was Richard Harrow, who was portrayed by Jack Huston.
Jack Huston as Richard Harrow
I do believe that Vincent Piazza did a wonderful job portraying Luciano, prior to his rise to become the boss of New York. I would think that it must have been hard because there are not a lot of movies, nor documentaries about a young Luciano.

Enough about the cast, which I'll get more into in a later post.

Let's talk about the story lines.
ESPECIALLY the finale!!

Warning: Spoilers ahead!

Tommy Darmody, the son of Jimmy and Angela Darmody killed the protagonist, Nucky Thompson. I didn't see that coming until he mentioned his "mee-maw". It was real mind blowing.

I also loved how the show killed Michael Shannon's character, Nelson van Alden/George Mueller. I really was expecting him to be killed off by someone of higher power like Al Capone. But no. That was not the case. He was killed by an undercover agent. Yeah.

I was a bit disappointed about the fast forwarding in the last season, because Rothstein had died and wasn't in it, but the season was good.

I was heart broken when they killed off Chalky White. I really liked the character because he was a black man with power and money in the '20s, which was NOT common, and I don't even think it was possible.

Nucky and Eli's final hug broke my heart in a good way because they had butted heads so much and I shed a few tears for the Thompson brothers.

The final scene with Capone and his son was so adorable. Especially when his son called him back in and held his fist like he was going to fight and they just hugged and cried.

I never wanted Eddie Kessler to die. He was, to me, the most innocent character of the show. He had no fault, he was just too loyal to Nucky Thompson.

When Luciano shot Mickey Doyle, I was happy, but sad. I found Doyle annoying in the show, but he always made me laugh and smile.

I had a love/hate for Narcisse because he was a villain, but I always vote for the villains. At the same time, he did make life complicated for the characters I liked.

I really only commented on the HUGE story lines in the finale.
Stephen DeRosa as Eddie Cantor
Before I end this post, I would like to add that I think Stephen DeRosa did a spectacular job portraying Eddie Cantor. As a Cantor fan, I think he did amazing, he is an amazing actor.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Entertainment - Justin Kirk

First of all, I would like to apologize for not posting for a few days!
I have been feeling under the weather and it just keeps getting worse. I am writing this post Tuesday 2/10, but it is going to be posted Wednesday 2/11.
I have been thinking of making a blog post just about Justin Kirk, so here it is!
Justin Kirk
If you don't know who Justin Kirk is, I won't rip out your throat because I wouldn't say he's really that big.
His acting credits include:
  • Weeds - Uncle Andy Botwin
  • Angels in America - Prior Walter/Leatherman in the Park
  • Animal Practice - Dr. George Coleman
  • Vamps - Vadim
I list these four films/miniseries/TV shows because theses are the only ones I have seen so far. I am looking to get into Tyrant soon.
Justin Kirk is an amazing actor. The first thing I saw him in was Angels in America. I read the book, or some of the book for school Junior year. Prior Walter became my favorite characters, then I watched the HBO miniseries and Kirk played Prior and I recognized him, but I couldn't figure out from what. Then I realized he was the guy from Animal Practice. I wanted to see AP when I first saw the promos. After Angels in America, I found Animal Practice online and I watched it.
Justin Kirk as Dr. George Coleman in Animal Practice
Animal Practice is really good and I really do recommend it. Unfortunately, it got cancelled after 9 episodes.
I wanted to dedicate this blog post to Justin Kirk, because I think he is a really great actor and he deserves more recognition for his acting.
Vamps was an amazingly hilarious movies about Vampires and he played a pretty hot foreign Vampire with guy liner. Justin Kirk looks good with guy liner. At least that's my opinion.
Justin Kirk with guy liner as Vadim in Vamps

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Films - Into the Woods

I watched Into the Woods on Monday and I really loved it. Stephen Sondheim is a musical genius. He really knows what he's doing with his music and lyrics. I loved Sweeney Todd and I love Into the Woods. I have no one to compare the Disney film cast to, so I'm just going to review all of the cast and characters.
Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Meryl Streep as The Witch
Meryl Streep is an amazing actress. I would go as far to even say that she is the best actress of our time. She has three Oscars to prove it. Not only is she just an amazing actress, but she can carry a tune. I loved her in Mamma Mia! Not to mention Streep is absolutely gorgeous. I have never watched any other version of ITW, so I can't compare her portrayal of The Witch to anyone else, but I can say that I think she did a magnificent job. I always vote for the "Villains" so you know who my favorite character was. Although I don't really see her as a villain. She was robbed by the Baker's father, so she has a right to punish him.
Emily Blunt as the Baker's Wife
I don't think I've seen Emily Blunt in anything other than ITW and The Young Victoria, which she did amazing in and I loved the film. I really liked how she portrayed the Baker's Wife. I think she's beautiful and can sing very well. When the Baker's Wife died toward the end I was a little heartbroken, but I feel like it had to happen. When she spoke to her husband at the end and told him to tell the baby a story, that little scene brought tears to my eyes, but I cry over everything. I am listening to the Soundtrack as I type this post.
James Corden as the Baker
First of all, let me start by saying, I really love James Corden. He was, honestly, the actor that got me interested in the film, not even Johnny Depp. I have loved Corden since I saw him in Doctor Who, where he played my favorite non-companion. I really love him and the fact that he can sing makes me love him more. I really loved him in the role of the Baker and I really liked the character of the Baker. At first he was a bit hesitant about being a dad, but he did not abandon his son, and that made me think of his DW character, Craig, with his son Alfie. I really loved how his character developed a lot, first not wanting his wife to help him, then accepting that they'd get it done if there were two of them. "It takes two, I thought one was enough, it's not true." I literally am listening to that song as I write this. Perfect timing, right? I loved how they made him the narrator.
Anna Kendrick as Cinderella
Anna Kendrick is amazing. I loved her in Pitch Perfect. I loathed her in Twilight. She's a great actress. She sings amazingly. How do I feel about her portrayal of Cinderella? If Disney hadn't already made their live action Cinderella movie, I would write to them to cast her as Cinderella. I really liked her portrayal. It's weird, but I would actually love to see her opposite Richard Madden. Anyway! I'm getting off track. I still don't really understand why she kept running away from her Prince. At least in the story, she has until midnight, so she leaves so he won't see her rags, but she had no real reason to run away from him in ITW. At first he seems perfect, but let's not get into what he did. I do support how she did leave him and go with the Baker in the end.
Chris Pine as Cinderella's Prince
Do I hear a Star Trek Musical coming on? Kidding! First things first. The Prince is a slut! A dirty slut! He seduced the Baker's wife. That was not cool. He was married to Cinderella at that time and the Baker's Wife of course is married to the Baker. He is a jerk for that and the song he sang with Rapunzel's Prince, at least I believed that Rapunzel's Prince loved Rapunzel, but this Prince. I thought Charming was only in it, because he thought Cinderella was hot and playing hard to get, so he saw it as a challenge. All in all, I did not really like Cinderella's Prince. However, I do really love Chis Pine and he is drop-dead good looking.

Tracey Ullman as Jack's mother
Honestly, I am not familiar with Tracey Ullman. Don't hate me. I went through her filmography and the only two things I can say I saw her in was Give My Regards to Broad Street a Paul McCartney film and "Queenie Eye", a Paul McCartney music video. Jack's mother was very cranky through out the film. Maybe it was because she was a single mother. Maybe it was because Jack was a bit of an idiot. Maybe it was because they were poor and starving. I think she was justified in her crankiness and anger. It was kind of sad how she died. But life must go on.
Christine Baranski as Cinderella's step-mother
I have seen Christine Baranski in many of her roles. Birdcage, Chicago, Big Bang Theory, Mamma Mia!, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, I really love the characters she portrays. She played the step-mother flawlessly. I love how the film's story line included the original Cinderella story and not the Disney version. I really enjoyed Baranski's portrayal of the step-mother.
Johnny Depp as the Wolf
"Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?" Not McCartha! Johnny Depp is one of my favorite actors, he's neck and neck with Al Pacino. I really love him and his acting. He is an amazing actor and he becomes all of the characters he plays. I have seen about 75% of his filmography and he is just amazing. He did magnificent in ITW as the Wolf. When he howled, though. I just started giggling. I don't know why. I just did. The character of the Wolf was really good and pertinent to the movie, because if he hadn't eaten Red and Granny, the Baker would have never killed him to get them out, and the Baker would have never gotten the red cape.
Lilla Crawford as Little Red Riding Hood
As cheesus is my witness, I couldn't stand Red! I mean Lilla Crawford did a good job, I believe so, but I never liked Little Red Riding Hood. She can carry a tune, and I do look forward to her future works, but I just honestly didn't like Red.
Daniel Hutterstone as Jack
GAVROCHE!! I love this kid. His voice is amazing. I knew he was familiar while I was watching it, but it wasn't until the end that I realized it was little Gavroche from Les Miserbles 2012. He would also play a good Toby in Sweeney Todd.What did I think about Jack? He is an imbecile, but he got away with it somehow.
Mackenzie Mauzy as Rapunzel
Mauzy sings pretty. I really love how the story line followed the original Rapunzel story. I think she nailed the locked in the tower and not knowing anyone. I really shipped her and her prince. I don't have much to talk about when it comes to her, so this will be short and sweet.
Billy Magnussen as Rapunzel's Prince
Magnussen is gorgeous.He really is and I thought he played the Prince really nicely. He was sweet and I liked him better than Cinderella's prince, because this prince seemed more authentic and I think he really loved Rapunzel.
All in all, I really loved the film and I am so glad I finally watched it. I wanted to watch it since they released the first trailer. I think that the cast was amazing, and I am looking forward to Disney's next film, the live action Cinderella. I will write a blog post when I finally see that one.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Entertainment - Hadley Fraser

Hadley Fraser as Raoul de Chagny in Phantom 25
As you may know by now, I really love Hadley Fraser. His looks, his voice, his acting. I mean he is just amazing.

I really love his solo album, Just Let Go.
Fraser and Ramin Karimloo performing "Just Let Go" from Fraser's solo album, and "Edelweiss" from Sound of Music

He is just amazing. I love him,

And then he was also in an episode of one of my favorite shows, Doctor Who.
Fraser and Freema Agyeman in Doctor Who
Derpy face, though. He did die in that episode, too. I remember watching it and screaming "OH MY GAWD IT'S HADLEY".
Can't deny that he looks good in guy liner.
So whiled I was looking for pictures for this blog post, I came across this:
Yay! I can post gifs!!
Thadley Friddleston, okay. I ship it!
*Paste my side profile on her face*

Monday, February 2, 2015

Comparrison - Love Never Dies - OLC v. AMC

I can't help, but sing "Love Never Dies" whenever I read/type/write it. Is that weird?

This post is going to be all about the Andrew Lloyd Webber's Love Never Dies, the sequel to the Phantom of the Opera. I am going to be blogging my comparison of the Soundtrack cast and original cast versus the 2012 Australian movie cast.

Christine de Chagny (nee Daae) - Anna O'Bryne v. Sierra Boggess
If you have been following my blog since I opened it you know that I love Sierra Boggess and she is my favorite stage actress. I just love her. Boggess as Christine in the Original London Cast (OLC) of Love Never Dies was just amazing. I never got to see it, but listening to the Soundtrack, she did an amazing job. I really wish I would have been able to see it.

I did watch the 2012 Australian Movie Cast (AMC) which starred Anna O'Bryne as Christine and I think that she did an amazing job!

Christine's songs were amazing. Personally, I loved all of the songs. The lyrics and the music was beautiful.

How do I feel about Christine's death?

I believe that it had to happen. Honestly, I'm glad it did. Not because I don't like her. I never said, "Yay! She's dead!" It's not like that. I think it's good that she died, and it happened the way it did, because she ultimately chose Erik, the Phantom. She would never have forgotten about hurting Raoul, and I think that it would have tormented her for the rest of her life. I think I can survive knowing that Erik and Gustave are going to have their happily ever after. I actually cried when she died. I cried a lot.

Both Boggess and O'Bryne did an amazing job and I really loved both of their voices and portrayals of Christine.
The Phantom - Ben Lewis v. Ramin Karimloo
Don't make me choose a favorite. I mean yes, Karimloo is my angel of music, but I must admit, Ben Lewis is amazing as well.

Ben Lewis is a very talented man.

If I had to choose between Karimloo or Lewis, I'd rather fall off a cliff. I love how Karimloo gets into the Phantom. Especially how he portrayed the Phantom in Phantom 25. He put a lot of emotion into it.

At the end of LND, when Christine died, they way Lewis wept. Yes. The world wept with him.

How do I feel about the Phantom having a kid?

I like the idea and I do believe he would be a good father. I don't know why I feel that way, but I do. And the way Gustave takes his mask off at the end. It was a real tear jerker.

Both Lewis and Karimloo are both extraordinary and they both played Erik perfectly.

Raoul de Chagny - Simon Gleeson v. Joseph Millson
Yes. I was heartbroken that Hadley Fraser did not play Raoul in LND.

I mean they had Karimloo and Boggess. Where was Fraser?

Anyway, I have to work with Simon Gleeson and Joseph Millson. I am okay with that.

From  listening to the OLC, I have really fallen in love with Millson's voice.

However, I really loved Gleeson's performance in the movie. I mean I fell in love with him and his voice.

If I had to choose my favorite, it would be Gleeson.
Love Never Dies - AMC v. OLC
I do not appreciate that Andrew Lloyd Webber made Raoul into a huge jerk. I actually love Raoul in Phantom of the Opera. I still love him in LND, but I don't like what he became.

Of course the entire cast was amazing, but I really am too lazy to do EVERYONE.

I don't know why people do not like LND. I really liked it. I will admit, compared to Phantom of the Opera, Love Never dies was not one of ALW's best, but I still really loved it.

The music. The story line. I really just loved it.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

I Ship It Sundays - Rierra

I wanted to do an I Ship It Sundays on my Instagram page, but I couldn't keep to it. So! I am going to keep to it here, on my blog,

First things first. What is a ship?
A ship is a relationship, or sometimes friendship between two people. Fans coined "ship" names for their favorite coupled. Some examples are Brangelina, Kimye, Bennifer, TomKat, Moncele, and many others,

For the first segment of I Ship It Sundays is Rierra.

If you don't know what Rierra, chances are you have never seen the Phantom of the Opera 25th anniversary at Royal Albert Hall.

BUT that's okay!

Here's a clip of Rierra:
Rierra singing "Poison and Wine" together
So that is Rierra. Rierra is made up of Ramin Karimloo and Sierra Boggess. You probably recognize them from my earlier blog post, "My Angels of Music".

What is Rierra?
Team Rierra, the ship names created by fans of Sierra Boggess and Ramin Karimloo. The name, Rierra, was created bey loving an devoted fans that see the two actors as a couple. Rierra is the couple and Team Rierra is the fans who ship them together. I remember watching Phantom 25 for the first time and falling in love with Karimloo and Boggess' performance together. They have so much chemistry. Although Rierra is not a real life couple, they have amazing chemistry together and they work beautifully together,
Tell me they don't love each other! I dare ya!
I have been a Rierra fan for four years. As soon as I watched Phantom 25 I just fell in love with them separate and as a couple. They are both talented actors and singers. They have so much chemistry between them. In reality they are just good friends. Karimloo has stated, "It's not about wanting to work with her. I don't want to work with her, I need to." If you ship a couple, you know that a simple statement like this will kill you, emotionally. When Boggess spoke about when they first met, she said. "There was instant chemistry." And that instant chemistry has followed them in all of their performances and interviews together, I think that they make each other happy. When someone asked Karimloo, if he missed Boggess, he answered, "Always" and followed with an explanation that they write letters to each other. I think that it's romantic. They also go back and forth on Twitter and I think that it's the most adorable thing ever.

If there was any couple I believed in, it would be Rierra. Rierra is THE OTP.

Team Rierra forever!!