Thursday, April 23, 2015


It has been two months since I posted!
It feels like a millenia.
How are you guys!
I was looking at the statistics of my blog and I saw that so many people have looked at my blog. I feel so special!
Let me explain why I haven't been on.
Are you ready?

I was previously failing four classes, so my mother thought it was a good idea to take my laptop. AND YOU GUYS MISSED MY BIRTHDAY!!!
I don't have my personal laptop back, but Google Blogger is working on my school laptop finally, so HERE I AM!!!
Did anyone miss me? Do I have any avid readers? No? Okay. *walks away in shame*

Let me catch you up with everything that has happened since I last posted.

1. I AM FINALLY LEGAL!!! Only after waiting eighteen years.

2. I have refound my love for Marc Anthony.
One of my favorite pictures of them and the Coconut Twins
So let me explain. I am a New York born Puerto Rican (Nuyorican), HOWEVER, my parents did not raise me teaching me spanish. Growing up I only know the basics. Hola, adios, como estas, etc. However, I really liked Marc Anthony and Rick Martin's music, because it wasn't in complete spanish. They have some english songs and some spanish. Recently, since I've been taking Spanish in school, I have been listening to A LOT more Marc Anthony, and it sparked an obsession. The man is a talented singer, and actor and he's just so gosh darn gorgeous. Honestly, the obsession didn't start until I watched him in El Cantante, where he played Hector Lavoe opposite his ex-wife (who he was married to at the time of shooting) Jennifer Lopez, who played Lavoe's wife Puchi Lavoe. the movie is amazing and I recommend it, even if you don't speak spanish or have a spanish background. The movie is mostly in english, except for the songs, but there are some english lyrics. I ship Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez wholeheartedly. I know he is now remarried to Shannon de Lima, and they are cute together, but I don't think he will never have what he and JLo had. I opened a Marc Anthony Instagram account and I almost hit 100 followers, so that's exciting! I am currently listening to Marc Anthony's song "Espera" on repeat as I type this blog post. Not joke, I downloaded all of his songs onto my phone. He is amazing, if you don't believe me go watch El Cantante, you get to see him acting and you get to hear him singing.

3. I have been accepted to two colleges!!!
I originally applied for eleven schools. Only two have accepted me. One waitlisted me. And the rest just said no, including my dream school, which is Providence College. BUT I actually wasn't upset about PC saying no. I am excited about the first school that accepted me and I think that is probably here I'm going to go.

4. I have anxiety
All my life I have been an introvert. I keep to myself. Recently my family went to a dental clinic and since I am a legal adult now, I was left on my own and I had a bit of an anxiety attack. It was a scary moment for me, and I am going to talk to a therapist about it later this weekend. I need to know if there is anything I can do about it, because I really want to go away for college, but if it's going to cause a problem, it may be really hard.

I already ordered my prom dress, I'm just waiting for it so I can get alterations. I am going to prom with my best friend, Ells. Since the Prom theme is Alice in Wonderland, we decided to dress like characters. I am going as the Red Queen, tiara and all. Ells is going as the Mad Hatter. We have another friend who was originally going to be our Alice, but now she has a boyfriend and her own prom plans so we don't know what's going on there.

6. I have been doing A LOT more writing.
I have started writing a Marcnifer fanfiction called "No Me Ames" hopefully I will finish it soon, so I can post it on wattpad. It's about how they fell in love, etc. Of course I added some characters of my own, but I'm trying to keep it somewhat accurate. However, my opinion about some of the people in their lives is reflected with how I write the storylines for them in the story. I got a genius idea for a spin on Charlie's Angels. Armando's Angels. The idea came when I saw a photo of Shakira, JLo, and Beyonce. "Armando" is the rapper, Pitbull. His real name is Armando Perez, incase you didn't know that. I've been co-writing it with my best friend since only yesterday actually

7. Dan and Phil
I have been a fan of Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil for the past three years, but it hasn't become a die hard fan obsession until recently and I really love them. They are coming out with a book and I may be able to get it.

I believe that's all that you guys have missed in my life as an 18 year old blogger, but hopefully since I have it working now, I will blog more again, and try to blog daily!!

Thanks again, if I have any avid readers, I doubt it, but who knows.

If you ever want to reach me:

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