Friday, December 30, 2016

PSA: A completely new blog

Hi, guys! How have you been?

I know it's been a while, but I am shutting down McCartha's World. And opening something much better.

It's weird. It's still going to be on Blogger, but under a different account. I just need a new start. Do you know what I mean?

My New Years Resolution is to blog every single day of 2017. I am taking a semester off of college and looking for jobs, but I think I can do it.

I know it wasn't so successful on this blog, and that's why I think I need a new start.

As soon as I open the other blog and set it up and everything, I will post the information for the new blog here, as I'm not sure if there are actually people who follow this blog. I might be talking to no one at this point.

If you have been following this blog, thank you so much. I really do appreciate it wholeheartedly and hope you can follow my new blog as well.

Thank you for your support.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Update on My Writing

HI!!! I know I haven't posted any of my writing except maybe once. BUT I AM STILL WRITING!!

I had no idea for today's blog, so I decided to just put a chapter of one of my fanfictions that I am writing.

It's Hamilton related.

It's called "Redefine Your Destiny" it is set in modern times. Alexander Hamilton is adopted by the Washingtons. It's similar to his actual life, but I changed some stuff for dramatic and storyline purposes.

Alexander sat down, waiting patiently, to meet the next family who would probably, hopefully, adopt him. He wrote in the notebook, a gift from his last foster mom. Abigail was sweet and he loved her and hoped that she and her husband would adopt him, but Mr. Adams was a dick. So it wasn’t a complete loss, that they sent Alexander back to the Schuyler House. Alexander didn’t miss them. Abigail left him to be brought back and she didn’t even fight for him. “Alexander?” Catherine Schuyler, the director of the Schuyler House, exited a room. Alexander looked at her, closing his notebook. “Are you ready to meet Mr. and Mrs. Washington?” She asked. Alexander nodded, anxiously. “Okay. Come on.” Holding the door open, she welcomed Alexander. He got up from the sofa and walked into the room. He saw a woman who reminded him of Abigail, but she was much prettier than his last foster mom. He knew the man next to her. He was the infamous General George Washington. He was one of the most intimidating men who ever lived.
“Hi, Alexander.” The woman smiled. “I’m Martha.”
“Hi.” Alexander kept his eyes down, as he sat across from them.
“He’s shy in the beginning.” Catherine spoke for him, as she always did when he was meeting a new couple. “But once he warms up, he’s quite the chatterbox.”
“Cat told me that you like to write.” Martha explained. “Is that your journal?” She pointed at the notebook.
“Abigail gave it to me.” His voice was barely above a whisper.
“Abigail Adams?” George asked, the last name made Alexander flinch.
“Cat told us about what Adams did to you. I am so sorry, Alex.” Martha looked at him. He stared at her. He hated when people he didn’t know called him Alex.
“My name is Alexander.” Alexander raised his voice a bit.
“Don’t be rude.” Catherine nudged him.
“It’s fine Cat.” Martha nodded. “If you prefer Alexander, then I’ll call you Alexander.”
“Would you like to come live with us, Alexander?” Martha asked. He shrugged his response and looked at George, who kept a stern expression he whole time. “We live in Virginia. It’s about a five-hour drive from here, but I think you’ll really like it. Have you ever left New York?”
“I’m not from New York.” Alexander explained. “I was born on an island. Nevis. After my mom died, I was sent to live with my cousin who lived here.”
“What happened to your cousin?” George asked.
“He killed himself. Stared down the barrel of a gun.” Alexander explained.
“I’m sorry, Alexander.” Martha looked at him. “I’m sorry that you had to face so much tragedy at a young age. You’re not even fifteen yet.”
“Yeah, well I don’t have the best luck.” Alexander explained, he felt more comfortable with them. “If you’re from Virginia, why are you in New York?”
“My son, Jacky. He’s attending King’s College, we came to pick him up and take him back home for the summer.” Martha explained.
“Cat told us about the other two houses you lived in, as well. Let me personally apologize to you for ever being involved with Adams. He’s a difficult man. I don’t know how Abigail can live with him. I can assure you that you won’t have to worry about any of that with us.”
“If you already have a son, why do you want to adopt me?” Alexander asked.
“Because I can’t have any more children.” Martha explained.
“Why me?”
“Because Phil told us you’re a special kid.” George explained. Alexander looked at Catherine She smiled and nodded.
“Alexander, I want you to understand that we don’t intend to send you back, as your previous foster parents have. When things get hard- and they will- we will get through it together. That’s what a family does, and we hope that you will be part of our family.” Martha explained. “Phil and Cat told us so much about you- I feel like I already know you. Of course I don’t, but I’d love to get to know you, if you would let me.”
“You will be their foster son for a year.” Catherine explained. “But after a year, if you’re comfortable, they are open to the idea of officially adopting you.”
“Yes. But only if you’re comfortable living with us.”
“Okay.” Alexander nodded. Martha and George smiled. It was the first time Alexander had ever seen the infamous General Washington smile.
“That’s great. Cat said you have friends here. So we will give you tonight to pack your belongings and we’ll come to pick you up tomorrow.” Martha explained.
“I don’t have much. And I always keep it packed, since I’m moved around a lot.” Alexander explained.
“Do you have any more questions for the Washingtons?” Catherine asked. Alexander shook his head. “Okay. Why don’t you go back you your room?” He nodded and left the room. Walking through the hallway, he passed other foster kids and couples, waiting to meet their potential kids. He finally got to his room and walked in. His roommate, Aaron, sat on the bed opposite Alexander’s. Neither boy acknowledged each other. Alexander sat on his bed and began writing in his notebook.
“There he goes, writing like there’ not tomorrow.” Aaron laughed. “Did you meet them? What’s the General like?” Aaron was the closest Alexander had to a best friend. They were foster brothers in two houses, but when the Adams took only Alexander, it was the first time they separated since they met.
“He was intimidating at. He seems to not like Adams.”
“Good. Adams is an asshole.” Aaron replied. “What else about them?”
“They actually seem nice. Mrs. Washington told me that even when it gets hard- she wants to work through things together. As a family.” Alexander closed his notebook and looked at Aaron.
“So they’re taking you to Virginia?”
“Yeah.” Alexander rested his head on the wall. “I don’t really want to leave the city.”
“I’m pretty sure Angelica doesn’t want you to leave either.” Aaron smiled.
“Shut up!” Alexander threw one of his pillows at Aaron. He couldn’t help, but blush, because he had a crush on Angelica. And the rumor was she crushed on him too, but they never talked about it. Angelica was Catherine’s oldest daughter.
“You should tell her you’re leaving.”
“I’m sure she already knows.” Alexander explained.
“When are you leaving?” Aaron asked, laying down and staring at the ceiling. He loved Alexander like a brother, but he’d never admit it. He really didn’t want Alexander to leave. Not without him. They were a packaged deal.
“Tomorrow. They wanted to give me a chance to say my goodbyes and pack. But I’ll be back. I always come back.”
“No you won’t. Not this time. They’re taking you to another state. They’re not the Adams. The Washingtons are serious people and when they make a decision, they keep to that decision. So if they want to adopt you- they will adopt you.” Aaron was upset, but he didn’t bother looking at Alexander. A knock on their door, grabbed both of the boys’ attention. “Come in.” The three Schuyler sisters, Peggy, Eliza, and Angelica entered the room.
“Mommy said you’re leaving. Again.” Peggy, the youngest Schuyler sister, pulled out Aaron’s desk chair and sat down.
“Yeah. They’re taking me to Virginia tomorrow.” Alexander looked at the girls.
“Virginia?” Angelica sounded alarmed.
“Yeah. He’s getting out. There’s no way he’s ever coming back.” Aaron sat up. “I am going to go for a walk. I’ll be back in time for dinner.” He left the room,
“I say give it six months. They’ll be fed up with me and I’ll be back here.” Alexander explained.
“It’s the Washingtons. I don’t think you are coming back after you leave. Daddy said-“ Eliza began before getting cut off by Alexander
“I don’t care what Senator Schuyler or Cat said! The Washingtons are going to be like every other couple!” He yelled, scaring the two younger girls. “Everything always seems fine in the beginning, but I always find a way to screw it up.” He quitted his voice when he saw how Peggy cringed. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be yelling at you guys. It’s not your fault that I’m a screw up.”
“You’re not a screw up.” Angelica sat on his bed, next to him. “You’re not. You’re special.”
“But special kids never get adopted. I will never get adopted because no one wants me.” Alexander closed his eyes, preventing the tears from falling. “No one wants me.” He repeated it in a whisper. “My dad left me and my mom. Then when I went to go live with my cousin, he killed himself.” He stopped fighting the tears.
“Eliza, take Peggy and go find mom.” Angelica instructed. Eliza nodded and took Peggy by the hand, pulling her out the room and closing the door behind them. “Look at me, Alex.” Angelica looked into his violet-blue eyes. “The Washingtons are going to adopt you. They are really nice people.”
“But everyone leaves me, Ang.” Alex took a deep breath and wiped his face.
“That’s not true.”
“Yes it is.”
“Has my mom left you? Have I left you? You still have Aaron. Eliza and Peggy are young, but you’ll always have them. And my dad. We won’t leave you, Alexander.”
“Alexander?” Catherine entered the room with Eliza and Peggy following close behind. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Alexander lied. Catherine looked at her two youngest.
“Girls, will you let me talk to Alex alone?” She asked. Eliza nodded and grabbed Peggy’s hand again.
“Come on, Peg.” Eliza dragged the youngest out into the hallway again.
“I hope you feel better, Alex!” Peggy yelled from the hallway, before Eliza shut the door. Catherine looked at her oldest.
“You two Angel.”
“No buts. Go. Now. You can come back after I’ve finished talking to Alexander.” Catherine explained. Angelica looked at Alexander who nodded.
“Okay. I’ll be back.” Angelica took a deep breath and left the room, closing the door behind her. Catherine sat on the bed, next to Alexander.
“Talk to me.”
“The Washingtons want me now, but what happens when I screw up and- they don’t want me anymore? They’ll bring me back and I’ll never get adopted.” Alexander looked at the older woman. “No one wants me.”
“That’s not true.”
“Yes it is.”
“I’m a screw up.” He explained. “I always screw up.”
“No, my darling. You are not. Martha really likes you from what she’s heard from me and Phillip. They are willing to take on the challenge of parenthood a second time. For you.” Catherine explained. Alexander looked at her. “They know everything that Phil and I know about the past three houses. They know about your anxiety. They know about it all.”
“But what if they think they can handle it, but- but what if it’s just like the Adams again?” Alexander asked.
“It won’t be. I promise you. The General and Marty are the sweetest people you will ever meet. They will love you.”
“What makes you think that?”
“I love you. Phillip loves you. I’m sure they will love you too. They’d be wrong not to.” She told him. “You don’t think so, but you are a special kid, Alexander. You are meant to do great things.”
“Have I ever lied to you?” Catherine asked.
“Exactly. I- I wouldn’t allow you to meet them and I wouldn’t be encouraging you to live with them if I didn’t trust them. I want what’s best for you. And I think they are what’s best for you.” Catherine explained. Alexander looked at her. “It’s going to be okay. They are good people. Both loving and kind. It is understandable that you feel this way. But don’t forget to breathe. Okay, sweetheart?” He nodded.
“Thanks, Cat.”
“It’s my job to find you, and every other kid here a safe and loving home. You all deserve it. I know we haven’t had the best luck with the first three houses, but your streak of bad luck is over.” She hugged him. “I love you, Alexander as you were my own son. You will always have a home here.”
“Dinner will be served soon. I’m hoping tonight, you and Aaron will be joining us. It’s your last meal here. I’m sure everyone will want to say goodbye.” She explained. Alexander nodded. “Okay.” She kissed his head. Getting off the bed she walked to the door, only to nearly walk into Aaron. “Oh. Hi, Aaron.”
“Hi, Cat.”
“That was a short walk.” Alexander looked at his roommate. Closing the door behind Catherine, Aaron sat on the edge of his bed
“Yeah- well I barely made it out the door. Peggy and Eliza told me that you were having a meltdown. What happened this time?”
“It doesn’t matter, now. I feel better.” Alexander took a deep breath. “Cat wants us both to dinner.”
“That’s fine.”
“Aaron, can I ask you a question?”
“Sure?” Aaron was incredulous.
“Do you think Angelica will forget about me? Because I don’t think I’ll ever forget about her and- incase I don’t come back, I don’t want her to forget me. I want to come back and marry her.”
“Sure. Okay, Alexander.” Aaron laughed.
“I’m being serious.”
“It doesn’t matter if she will or she won’t forget you. She won’t wait for you. She’s Angelica Schuyler, the oldest daughter of the senator of New York. She’ll probably marry some politician or someone with money.” Aaron explained.
Laying down, Alexander let out a defeated, “You’re right.”
“Come on. You’re not going to get depressed over that, are you?”
“I’m going to the dining hall.” Aaron stood up and began walking back towards the door.
“It’s my last meal with you guys.” Aaron stopped in his tracks and looked at the other boy. “The last supper.” Alexander stared at the ceiling.
“Yeah. So make it a good one.”
“Well-“ Alexander propped himself on his elbows to look at Aaron. “I’m leaving tomorrow, so it technically won’t be the last meal. Just the last dinner. Because I’m pretty sure I’ll still be here for breakfast.”
“Okay. Let’s go.”
“It’ll be the first time I leave New York City since I got here two years ago.”
“And?” Aaron asked. Alexander got up quickly. “Can we go to dinner now?"

If you liked that you can find more to the story and some of my other writing on my Archive of Our Own account here.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Chris Jackson

"I don't believe in God, but I believe in Chris Jackson."
- Lin-Manuel Miranda, Tony Acceptance Speech, 2008
The beautiful Chris Jackson!
So just as an FYI, Blogger is making it very difficult to add pictures to my blog, from other websites. So I'm having to download a lot of photos. And it's really annoying. That just means I need to better organize my laptop.


Today's blog is dedicated to the amazing Christopher Jackson. He plays George Washington in Hamilton and he played Benny in In the Heights.

He is one of my favorite people. When the man sings, the world stops. I know I praised Leslie's voice in the last blog, but Chris' voice.

Why don't I just show you? Here is two videos. One of "Benny's Dispatch" from in the Heights. The other is "One Last Time" from Hamilton. I couldn't choose one, so you get both.

He's just amazing. He is Lin's best friend and they've been friends for a while.

I really want him to do a solo album. I really don't care what he sings. I just want him to sing.

Daveed, Lin, and Chris.
I don't have a long story about falling in love with Chris years ago, like I do about most of the people I post about.

How I fell in love with Chris Jackson? I was listening to the Hamilton soundtrack and I thought "The guy who plays Washington has a great voice. Who is he?" and BAM! Chris Jackson came into my life.

Then I listened to In the Heights and I really fell in love with him. I've been a fan of his for two months.

He was nominated for a Tony, but he didn't get it. I knew Daveed was going to win, but my money was on Chris the whole time. I am biased towards Chris. I named my Hamilton Tumblr after him

Besides him being an amazing singer, he's a composer. He won an Emmy a few years ago for his song in Seasame Street. The man can sing and he write children songs. Bless him.

And now I leave you with another quote from Lin about Chris, which I agree with 100%.

"He's just fucking majestic."
- Lin-Manuel Miranda, Hamilton The Revolution

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

My Top 5 Favorite Singers

Here is a list of my top 5 Favorite Singers. I'll be counting down. This is all MY OPINION!! Everyone looks at these men differently. I personally love all of them, or they would have never made it on to my list.

And I'm sorry that it's so late, but life is a thing.

5. Leslie Odom Jr.
I did a blog about why I find Leslie so amazing, yesterday. The man is amazing and when he sings. it's just amazing. He's one of my favorite singers because his voice is very soothing.

The song I chose is not my favorite song from Hamilton, which Leslie sings, but it's the first solo song that he sings as Aaron Burr. The song is "Wait for It" and although it's not my favorite, ("Dear Theodosia" is) I still think it is a beautiful song and he sings it wonderfully.

I have fallen asleep to his voice on several occasions. It relaxes me. After a long day of writing, crying an fangirling, sometimes you just need to unwind and listen to Leslie Odom Jr,'s beautiful voice. If you want to read more about why I love Leslie check out the post here! Or just scroll down.

4. Hadley Fraser
I wrote two blogs about Hadley last year. One where I talked about him, Sierra Boggess, and Ramin Karimloo. You can find that one here! And I wrote another one just about him and about how much I love him. You can find that one here!

Choosing a song to put here was hard, because I had to figure out which one from Hadley that I REALLY loved because I love them all. I couldn't find a good quality video of "But For Me" which is always the first song stuck in my head when I think of Hadley, SO I got the next best song, "Again", which is one of my favorite songs, but I don't think it illustrates Hadley's ability, like "But For Me" does. But it's still a beautiful song, written by Scott Alan

I haven't listened to Hadley in a while. I think I'll fall asleep to him tonight.

3. Ramin Karimloo
So far I've only written one blog regarding Ramin. That blog is here! That blog was about three people, not just Ramin, but I will be writing a blog post about Ramin and Ramin alone very soon, because he is still one of my favorite people. I have been a fan of his since 2012. I have loved this man for the past four years.

Choosing the song for him was hard, because honestly, he is amazing in everything he sings, which is why I love him so much. I chose "Why am I Falling?" because I just love the song so much.

Although he didn't make it as number one on my list, I think that I have fallen asleep to his voice, much more than anyone else on this list.

2. Chris Jackson
I will be writing a blog about Chris very soon. He is amazing, His voice is just so beautiful. I have a playlist on my phone of his songs from Hamilton and In the Heights, so he can sing me to sleep.

I have chosen "History Has It's Eyes on You" from Hamilton, because it's a song I admire very much.

But his voice is just beautiful. I wouldn't say it's soothing, but I really love listening to his voice. I don't know why. I'm saving all my love for his voice for the actual blog post about him that I am currently writing. I'm getting all my feelings out.

1. Brendon Urie
First of all, let me tell you why Brendon is number one. I still remember the first time I heard "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" on the radio. I remember the first time I saw "The Ballad of Mona Lisa" music video on TV.

Brendon Urie has been a huge part of my life for a long time and I will most likely be writing a blog post about him.

He is the lead singer of Panic! at the Disco. And I have listened to Panic! at the Disco at every funeral I've gone to, and I've been to more than I care to remember.

But Brendon's voice takes me away from my problems. Panic! at the Disco is my favorite band. And I think his voice has a huge part in that.

I have chosen "She Had the World (Alternate Version)" from Panic! at the Disco, because this is one of my favorite songs of all time. It's calming and his voice in the song is flawless.

Brendon Urie is truly amazing.


Tell me who you're top five favorite singers are.

Each one of these singers, I have fallen asleep to on several occasions. They are all amazing and I will forever shamelessly advertise their music and whatever projects they are doing!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Leslie Odom Jr.

The beautiful man.
Leslie Odom Jr. is probably one of the most beautiful singers. He is definitely in my top five favorite singers. The man has been blessed with his voice.
This video that I included above is Leslie singing "Without You" from RENT, during the 2016 Obie Awards.

Isn't he amazing? He is currently on Broadway in the musical, Hamilton. He portrays Aaron Burr. The man who shot and killed Alexander Hamilton. However, Leslie is leaving the role on July 9th. I'm definitely going to write a blog post about him, Lin, and Pippa leaving.

I didn't "discover" Leslie, when I started loving Hamilton. I've known of his existence for a year or two, but I didn't really follow him. I first found him when I was binging Supernatural and he played Gus, a demon. I thought he was attractive, but I decided not to get attached because I figured he was going to die in he episode.

When I first fell in love with Hamilton, I saw him, recognized him, but left it at that. It wasn't until I watched the Hamilton meets Sweeney Todd performance that I actually was like "Wow!" and fell in love with him. I'll include the video below.
The entire cast is amazing. And I will be writing the post about Hamilton very soon. But yes, this video is one of my favorites of the entire cast.

"I'm the young Toby that got him!" The first time I watched that, I sat on my best friend's bed in his dorm and I laughed my ass off for a while.

Leslie Odom Jr. is amazing. And yes, he won a Tony. HE WON A FRICKING TONY!!! I watched the Tony Awards with my grandmother because of Hamilton. I admit, I never listened to any other show's soundtrack, but I was there for Hamilton, and they took home 11 Tonys! But yeah, I totally screamed when he won. I was so happy!

I feel like when Leslie sings, everyone stops to listen. He just released an album, which I haven't listened to, because I don't have the money to buy it, yet, but I know for a fact it's amazing. I heard a snippet of one of the songs, and it's amazing.

Not only can the man sing, he's just beautiful to look at. The man is just beautiful period.

I know besides Hamilton and Supernatural, I also know him from an episode of Grey's Anatomy and Gotham. So he's been popping up in my life randomly for years.

I am going to make up for having a longer post yesterday, by ending here. I am going to start "backlogging" a bunch of blog posts so I can start posting EVERYDAY!!

Farwell. I really wish, if I do have any avid readers, that you guys contact me and let me know you exist. I'd really like to know if I have a legit audience, or not.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Lin-Manuel Miranda

This man is too good for this world.
If you don't know who Lin-Manuel Miranda is, let me explain you a thing. He is the writer, composer, and star of In the Heights and Hamilton. Two amazing musicals that, if you've never checked them out, you should. The soundtracks are on YouTube and on Spotify.

Here is my favorite song from Hamilton, "Dear Theodosia". Lin wrote it with his dog in mind. The first singer is the amazing, Leslie Odom Jr, who plays Aaron Burr in the musical and the second is Lin, who plays Alexander Hamilton.

This is my favorite song in the entire musical, because I think it's beautiful that both these new fathers are singing to their kids.

Lin-Manuel Miranda is someone who has semi been in my life longer than I've been obsessed with him.

In middle school, I used to watch this show with my little brother that I really liked. The show was called Electric Company. Lin would rap in a few episodes and he played a guy names Mario.  I really liked when he would rap in the episodes, but I never really cared who he was outside of Electric Company. But I had "Hard and Soft G" and "Silent E is a Ninja" stuck in my head for eternity. To this day I still remember them.

On top of Lin being in Electric Company, he did one of my favorite songs in Seasame Street. I didn't really like Seasame Street, at the time, but I watched it with my baby cousin at the time. My favorite skit at the time was Murray has a Little Lamb, or whatever it was called. Guess who did the theme song for that skit. Lin-Manuel Miranda. It was another song that was constantly stuck in my head.

Fast forward to my freshman year of college, I kept hearing about Hamilton non-stop because it was getting big. And it's a great musical. I haven't seen it, but from the few videos that exist, the book, and the soundtrack it's amazing. But I only really knew Lin as the guy from Electric Company. I kept having Hamilton in the back of my mind to listen to the soundtrack, but I didn't listen until Andrew Chappelle came into my life.

Andrew is an ensemble member and swing. He's he understudy for Laurens/Phillip and Lafayette/Jefferson. I followed him on Instagram, I'm not sure why, but I'm glad I did follow him because I saw pictures of him and Jonathan Goff (who I love from Glee) from when the Hamilton cast performed at the White House, and that caught my attention.
Here is Andrew dressed as Lafayette

And if it wasn't for Andrew Chappelle, I still would never have listened to the Hamilton soundtrack and fallen in love with Lin-Manuel Miranda's work.

I fell in love with Hamilton before I fell in love with In the Heights, but both are amazing. The entire cast of both are amazing. I will most likely be writing a blog post for both musicals and some actors in the musical.

But anyway. This post is about Lin, not his musicals. I'll save my praise for those blog posts.
He is just an amazing person.
Lin-Manuel Miranda it the most inspirational person I have ever had an obsession over. This is a man who wrote his first musical when he was 22 years old and still in college. He inspires me everyday. I am amazed by this man.

I love and appreciate this man so much, I cannot put it into words. I really can't. I wish I could so he could know what he means to me, but words do no exist. Words cannot explain feelings.

And it's not another "I love him so much it hurts". I genuinely appreciate him. I am so glad I finally listened to Hamilton and learned about hi life.

Honestly, towards the end of my second semester of my freshman year of college, I was thinking about not coming back. I was going to go home and go to community college and change my major. I was going to give up. But Lin-Manuel Miranda inspired me to keep going. Because of him I will continue going to college.

I am now double majoring in history and in theater. I will pass my classes and finish college. I want to be a teacher and maybe one day run my own museum. Maybe even finish and publish a book. And if it wasn't for Mario from Electric Company coming back into my life after 5(ish) years, I would have given up on all of that.

Thank you, Lin. I know you'll never see this. And you'll probably never know how much you actually mean to me, but thank you so much.

But it's not just because he inspires me that I love and appreciate him.

This man is too good for the world. Like listening to his voice, whether he's singing, rapping, or talking makes me so calm. There's something soothing about his voice. I don't know what it is.

The way I explained it to my friend was his voice is like a goodness and my brain can't handle it because of how miserable and lost I've been for the past seven years. Almost like he's healing all the emotional damages with his voice. His voice makes me feel safe. I compared his voice to an emotional hug. And not just any hug. A hug from someone you love that makes you feel like you belong somewhere.

He makes me so happy. I really want him to know how much he's been an inspiration to me and I want him to know that he is such a good person and he deserves the world and everything good.

Lin-Manuel Miranda's existence reassures me that everything is going to be. No matter how bad things will get, it will always get better. He gives me hope for the future.

This post is getting long, but I can literally write pages about him and how much I appreciate him. And I have. I have a whole folder on my phone's notepad labeled "FEEELSSSS" and it's just full of my feelings about this amazing human being.

I have a lot more to say, but I'll end it here!

ALSO! I added my social medias and my emails in case any of you wanted to contact me. I don't know why you would want to,but they are there just in case.

Here is the final song of In the Heights:

Saturday, June 18, 2016


I can' pictures for some unknown pictures currently, BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL MCCARTNEY!!

He turns 74 today!!

He's one of my favorite people in the world and I wish him a happy birthday and I hope he's having a great day!!


Again I will apologize for not posing in a long ass time.

But hi. How are you? I know people read my blog, but no one eve comments, so I can't really socialize with you guys.

But hi. Hello. I have a Tumblr you can follow here. It's mostly a Hamiton/In the Heights blog, but I try to post on it as often as I can.

I am on summer vacation and I will put a daily alarm on my phone so I can post everyday. I am trying, but so much is going on at once.

To catch up on:
  • Lin-Manuel Miranda:
    • I have become obsessed with Lin-Manuel Miranda, who I will ofcourse make a post about. The man is amazing.
  • Hamilton:
    • The cast and crew are all amazing, I haven't seen the show, but I've pretty much memorized the soundtrack already. Will definitely write a post about it.
  • In the Heights:
    • Again: amazing cast and crew. I have pretty much memorized the entire soundtrack. There will be a post about it.
  • Double Majoring:
    • I have claimed a double major of history and theater so the work load will be doubled.
  • Leslie Odom Jr.:
    • HE WON THE TONY!!! So did Lin, but Lin has won several Tony's for his last musical.
  • Chris Jackson:
    • Another actor from Hamilton who I have learned to love so damn much!
  • Life:
    • I will be blogging about life. Maybe. Depends on what happens. I already blogged about my depression. 
I am re-downloading the blogging app on my phone so I can blog more. And I plan to draft random blogs, so if I don't have anything to blog about on a given day, I can just post whatever is drafted.

I really want this blog to grow. I've had it for a year and a half, I started it late January of 2015 nd it's mid June 2016 now.


I'm not going to promise to be on more often because we all know how well that went the last few times.

I'm not promising. Just know I really am trying, but if I have no idea for a blog, that's what makes it hard.


Monday, April 11, 2016

Man Crush Monday: Jordan Fisher

He's just so cute!
I haven't posted in a while. I'm sorry! I am really trying to do better! However, it's hard because it I close to finals and also since I'm a theater minor, I am helping with my college's production of Hair, which is two weeks away. I'M SORRY!!

Anyway, I wanted to write a post about Jordan Fisher. If you don't know who he is, he is the photo above. He played Seacat in Teen Beach Movie, which probably was his biggest role until recently. He played Doody in Grease Live! As someone who religiously grew up with the original 1978 film, with John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John, I think that he did a really great job.

He sang solo in the song, "Those Magic Changes" which has become my favorite song on the Grease Live! soundtrack. I'll insert the song below:

I'm sorry that the volume is so low. I can't change that, because it's part of the video. He is adorable and he sings very well. I never appreciated Jordan in Teen Beach Movie. My attention was grabbed by Riker Lynch, Garrett Clayton, and John DeLuca.

But since then, I have "unfanned" Riker and "fanned" Jordan. So I most likely will be watching it from a different perspective.

It's funny because as I was watching Grease Live! (which is on Netflix, by the way! ((and the soundtrack is on Spotify)) I looked at Doody and thought "he's cute and he's got a nice smile". It's weird because I recognized his smile, but I didn't know from what. After I watched the show in its entirety (even the bows at the end) I googled the cast. I looked at his name, Jordan Fisher, which was familiar, but from what? I went to his IMDb page, because unfortunately, he doesn't have a Wikipedia page, yet, and the first thing I noticed Teen Beach Movie. And then I clicked on it and yes, he plays Seacat.

I will probably be doing a few blogs about Grease Live! Probably a post about the show itself and then a blog comparing this cast to the original cast. Also probably a post about the actors themselves.

And I know, I owe you guys a lot of blog posts, but I am trying. I blog when I can and when I'm in the mood. I don't want to blog crappiness to you guys. I don't even know who any of you are, or if I even have actual.

Also, why is the Teen Beach Movie sequel called Teen Beach 2? I mean I know they stole the title idea from what happened with High School Musical and it worked, but still. The sequel title is so weird. And I know that I am a 19 year old college student who still enjoys Disney Channel original movies. Leave me alone! I will never outgrow Disney. But only if they keep making good movies and shows.

Like Teen Beach Movie is good. Jessie, Girl Meets World, Austin and Aly, and Liv & Maddie are good shows, but everything else is just mediocre, at least in my opinion. I'm from the generation of High School Musical, Cheetah Girls, Lizzie Maguire, Kim Possible. So I have a high expectations for Disney Channel.

That's enough ranting. Sorry.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Feeling Depressed.....

So since I rarely do personal posts on this, I thought, why not just pour out my feelings to a bunch of strangers on the internet?

I mean I do that daily with Instagram, but the caption limit of Instagram cannot contain what I currently feel. I will not use anyone's name in this due to- just no. No names. Names are unnecessary.

I am in my second semester of college. I live on campus, which is 2 hours (give or take) from home. I am in a completely different state. Last semester I dealt with depression, because it was the first time I was ever living away from home. I went to see one of the counselors on campus.

Right before college, I dealt with social anxiety. I went to see a counselor at home a month or two before college. It went well.

So being away for college has been a massive change in my life and I have been struggling with it. I really didn't have friends before college, but now I do and I'm grateful for them.

Something that I was never prepared for in college was crushes. Growing up, I rarely had a crush on people I knew. I was always attracted to older actors. I don't know, that was just what I wanted. I mean I still find myself attracted to some older men.

But I also have some crushes on guys my age, and a girl. YES. I had a crush on a girl last semester. I had US History with her and I thought she was cute, but this semester, I have not had any feelings for her.

I also crushed on one of my best friends. He was the light in my life during the worst times of my depression. I am so lucky to have him in my life still. I don't think I have anymore romantic feelings for him. I mean last semester and the beginning of this semester was bad. I had a few dreams regarding him.
  1. The first dream consisted of me turning down Marc Anthony to spend time with said friend which I had a crush on.
  2. Another dream was of my "perfect" life, which meant I was married/or just living with said friend and we were in love and I was also the director of a museum.
  3. Then there was a dream when that friend left to go to the other side of the country and it left me broken.
  4. There was a dream when we weren't even dating or anything, but I wound up being the surrogate mother of his child.
  5. Lastly, there was a short and simple dream of my just signing my name and putting his last name instead of my own.
There has not been any dreams since then and I don't feel like I am crushing on him anymore.

REMINDER: No one can control who they crush on

So Gods forbid any of said crushes ever see this, LEAVE ME ALONE

Currently at the moment, I am crushing on this guy, I have never had a full conversation with him, but he's in my college's production of Hair, and being that I'm a crew member, I have to see him three times a week.

To be honest, having a crush on him is self explanatory. He is attractive. He could sing. According to my friend who has several other classes with him and worked in a play with him last semester, he's not a fuckboy, so that's good.

Gods forbid he ever finds this blog post. I just pray he doesn't track it back to me. It won't be that hard. There's only four of us on crew.

ANYWAY this crush is weird. Because last semester when I first "met" this guy, my friends all thought he was gay. Being that I don't have working "gaydar" I assumed with them and moved on. Even though I thought he was cute. One of my friends in my friend group had a crush on him and we were trying to find out his name. I saw him when I was doing laundry and I asked him his name. After that I left and forgot to introduce myself. Whether he remembers that or not is whatever, but I'm still embarrassed about it. My friend, who acted with him in a play, last semester, told me that he was straight, but I didn't crush on him. I just thought he was attractive. I heard him sing at an open mic, last semester, and let me just say CHRIST ALMIGHTY.

So now I have a huge crush on him and honestly, I don't know how to deal with it. Like I haven't been able to write. And today, my friend was showing me who she found on Tindr while we were in the Dinning Commons and he popped up and I lost my appetite, which I don't understand why that happened, but it did.

I don't know how to crush. My mom said I should talk to him, but honestly, with my anxiety, I'd probably die if that happened. Unless he started the conversation first.

My theater major friend who acted with said crush last semester and is also acting in Hair, has told me that the guy's type is cute hipster girls.

Which I am not. Like at all. I'm not cute. And I'm not a hipster. I wish I was both, but I'm not.

My friend keeps telling me that I am a hipster, but I'm not.

This is one of the worst crushes I've ever had and I hate it. I hate it with a passion.

Life was so much easier when I only crushed on my old rock stars and all I cared about was when Marc Anthony's next album was coming out.

To said crush, if you ever see this and you know who I am, never mention this, unless you are interested in a relationship. In that case, do you.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Michael Joseph Jackson

Before I start this post, I just want to say ANY hate will not be tolerated and will be deleted.
Michael in the Bad era
Michael Jackson is known for being one of the best singers and dancers to have ever walked the Earth.

Don't believe me? Listen to any song. Watch any performance. He always tried to do his best in his performances. Sure toward the Bad era and forward up until his death, he started lip syncing, but he still tried his best dancing-wise.

And whether you believe he ever lip synced or not is up to you. My high school music teacher was a roadie (and got to play guitar for two nights) for the Bad tour and he explained that Michael lip synced.

But I don't think it's a bad thing for Michael to lip sync when he was dancing. I mean it's hard to do either and to do both, must be death.

I wanted to write this blog about Michael because I was a huge fan of Michael. I still am. I mean I have several books and DVDs. I bought his autobiography. I had a die-hard crush on him when I was in first grade. But then my older brother came and started telling me about the allegations of Michael "touching little boys". I was in first grade, but it still put me off.

Now fast forward to 6th grade. It was a few months before he died. I was sitting in my science class (which I hated) and my teacher put on the video for "They Don't Really Care About Us", the version they shot in Brazil, not the prison version. Why he played that in a science class, I will never understand. It probably made sense at the time, but that was almost seven year ago.

After watching that video, I started getting into Michael again and it was pretty awesome for a while. I got my younger brother into him with me. We had the Wii and it had internet on it, so we watched the videos on YouTube on the TV.

Then on the day of my older brother's 8th grade graduation, a friend of his texted him saying that Michael had died. None of us believed it, until my aunt asked one of my neighbors who said "Yeah. Died of a heart attack".

Now this was before I was the emotional mess I am today. So I didn't really feel anything. Just ehn. But I was still a fan of his. And I think his death made me more of a fan. I learned everything I could about him. Reading books, including his autobiography, and watching documentaries. I watched all of his music videos.

My little brother bought This is It on DVD. Personally, I think it would look better as part of my collection, but he bought it with his money, so I can't say anything.
Michael in his outfit from "Black or White" and with the- I wanna say Jaguar- from the video
If you were to call me Michael trash, you would be right. I know a lot about him. Too much sometimes. That is probably why I didn't have friends in high school.

I think my favorite album of his is Invincible. I don't know why, because that was the one album I kinda stayed away from when I was a die-hard fan.

But now it's my favorite album. And it has (I never knew before I listened to the album) my favorite Michael song which is "You Rock My World". The video is right below.
The video features Chris Tucker, and if you ever get the chance, watch some of his stand-up. I remember him talking about Michael and it was a funny story.

Also, besides Michael being a great singer and dancer, he makes beautiful music videos. Every single one of his videos is like a mini-movie. And then we have Moonwalker, the movie, and Ghost, the mini-movie. There is also Captain EO, which used to be on YouTube. I don't know if it's there anymore.

The man is amazing. Again, I will reiterate, that any hate will be deleted. I will not tolerate hate on my blog, not just about, but about anyone who I post about. I don't care how you feel about the person.

I was thinking of not just doing album reviews, but also music video reviews. So look forward for those in the near future.

I have a new laptop, so I will be posting more, but I also cracked my screen last night, so being that it was a touch screen it glitches a little bit sometimes because of the crack and the screen needed to be popped back in. Hopefully, I can get it fixed ASAP. The touch screen really does help.

So expect album reviews and music video reviews of Michael. And if you want to suggest some, just leave a comment and or email me at

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Dallon James Weekes

He is so goddamn beautiful.
I should not obsess over Dallon because I have a rule about my obsessions. They cannot be married. Dallon is married to Breezy (which I ship wholeheartedly) but he's so pretty and he sings. And plays music and is adorable and I can't deal!

His children are adorable. His son, Knox, looks just like him.

I promise not to make this a long post.
But then again, I could probably write pages about this man.
We'll see what happens.

Dallon James Weekes.

Okay, so I've been a Panic at the Disco fan since 2012(ish) maybe before. But I was definitely a fan at my great uncle's funeral, when I was a freshman in high school. Because at every funeral I have gone to (which is unfortunately a lot) I always listen to Panic!. They have managed to take me away from my "problems". That is why I think it's safe to say that they are my favorite band. I never have to be in the mood to listen to them. If I'm ever in the mood to listen to music, and I don't know what to listen to, I just put Panic at the Disco on.

But anyway. Back on topic!

I remember being a fan when the band was just Spencer Smith and Brendon Urie. HOWEVER, apparently, Dallon was part of the band when I first became a fan. Whether he was a FULL TIME member or not, I couldn't tell you.

But I "discovered" him for myself three or four years ago. I was on Instagram (when am I ever not on Instagram) and someone posted a picture of him and Amelie, his daughter, and the caption was something like imagine Dallon picking his daughter up from kindergarten. And from that day forward I was curious to learn more about him.

I didn't learn much besides that he was a member of Panic at the Disco, but at least I was now aware of him.

As time progressed, I realized that the man is very attractive, but I left it at that, because I didn't know much about him.

Fast forward to New Years Eve, 2013. Welcoming 2014. I was watching a plethora of New Years celebrations on TV. Dick Clark's Rockin' New Years as always, but I was also watching something in Vegas, hosted by Mario Lopez and Panic! performed. Spencer wasn't playing drums, which really caught me off guard. At the time, I didn't know that he was in rehab (and that he would never return to the band). I think Dallon might have been performing with the band that night, but I don't remember.

Now fast forward to mid 2015. I became more aware of Dallon. Even though he's not a "real" member of Panic! now, I noticed him more in the videos.

Fast forward one more time to early 2016. I added him and his wife, Breezy on Snapchat and have unintentionally been falling more and more in love with him. Again, I respect Breezy and I respect their marriage and relationship, but I really do appreciate him being an attractive and amazing human being.

During my Spring Break, I discovered "Mean Ol Moon", a song that Dallon covered on his album TWOMINCVRS. And I became obsessed with the album and bought it. I have been listening to all three songs non-stop. Yes. There are only three songs on the album.
Album cover for TWOMINCVRS
A few days ago I discovered that Dallon (with the Brobecks and Brendon Urie) covered "Skid Row (Downtown)" from the musical, Little Shop of Horrors. The download is free and you can find it here.

I will forever shamelessly advertise Dallon, as long as he keeps making amazing music/covers.

Coincidentally, Little Shop, is one of my best friends' favorite musicals. We really want Dallon and Brendon to do a cover of "Suddenly Seymour" and I'll probably end this post with a letter to them asking to do "Suddenly Seymour". And I'll probably do a petition to get it done.

Also, if you have never watched the Little Shop of Horrors film with Rick Moranis, I HIGHLY recommend it.

So that is how I fell in love with Dallon Weekes.

Dear Dallon Weekes and Brendon Urie

My friend and I have heard your cover of "Skid Row (Downtown)" from Little Shop of Horrors and we really love it. We were wondering if you guys would be interested in doing "Suddenly Seymour". We tweeted you both, but since you have an immensely large following on Twitter, you probably did not see it. We suggest that Dallon sing Seymour's part and Brendon sings Audrey. But of course, if you do decide to do it, it is all completely your choice of arrangement. We really hope you do decide to cover the song.

Thank you for your time,
McCartha Montieth

Let's all pray that they see this.


I'M BACK!!! Again

I have gotten a new laptop!!

Yay! So I can start posting on this again.

Also, I started a new blog here.

So go check that out, if you want. It's all just writing. Mostly fanfiction- actually all fanfiction. I don't think I'll be doing any original work.

How are you guys? I haven't been on in a LONG time.

I was thinking of coming back for several reasons.

1. There was some blogs I needed to do.
2. I couldn't just abandon McCartha's World.
3. I missed this blog.

I have a few tumblrs that you can check out. Links are on The Bedroom Ballads blog. I'm too lazy to post them here.


I cannot post everyday. I cannot commit to anything for the life of me.

Let me catch you up on life since I last posted.


I have become such Dallon Weekes trash it's amazing that I can function without listening to him constantly.

And I'm not even talking about him in Panic at the Disco. I mean Panic! is my favorite band and everything, but I have bought TWOMINCVRS and I downloaded his cover of "Skid Row (Downtown)" from Little Shop of Horrors, which I am currently listening to on repeat.

God bless that man. I mean I'll do a post about him later. But CHRIST. Breezy is such a lucky woman to be married to him and to share kids with him.

So I will try to post on this blog again.

But let me reiterate, I am in college. I am a history major and a theater minor. I am a crew member for my theater's production. We are producing Hair, the musical. I'm excited so I'll probably write a post about the musical.

ALSO I have listened to the Hamilton soundtrack and I really want to see it.

There is a lot happening in my life.

Like I'm considering making a petition for Dallon Weekes to do a cover of "Suddenly Seymour" with Brendon Urie, because they both did such a great job on "Skid Row (Downtown)"

Yesterday, made eight years since Panic!'s second studio album, Pretty, Odd was released, so I might be doing a post on the album and a "commentary" on each song. And seeing how well that goes, I might do that with other albums/sountracks.

So yeah. You have ALL of that to look forward to and more.

Happy Spring!
"Springtime for Hitler in Germany!"
(It's from one of my favorite movies/musicals. Relax.)

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Let Me Explain You a Thing

So I unfortunately cannot blog like I used to for a while.

My laptop has officially conked out in me. It will only allow me to watch Netflix.

I cannot open the internet browser.

So I have not been able to post and I feel shitty because I promised a blog every day.


But every once in a while I'll blog from my phone, as I am doing now.

Until I get a new laptop, which won't be for a while.

Plus I'm in college. Not much time to blog.

But I do have a tumblr you should follow.

You can catch up on my fangirling.

When I do get a new laptop, I am planning on 2 blog posts.

One on Michael Jackson and the second on William Control or Wil Francis.



Saturday, January 9, 2016


The name's, Bond. James Bond.

I wish I was Bond, or at least knew him. But one can only dream.


This post is dedicated to one of my best friends, Inpaine.

Yes. I finally have friends, since I started college last fall.

But enough about me, this post is about him. Below is a link to one of his videos.

Blessings - Inpaine

Unfortunately, I cannot actually insert the video in the post, but click on the link.

He is a very good friend of mine and I really like his music. I mean I'm not a huge, rap fan. I only really like Inpaine and Eminem. And I liked Eminem before I met Inpaine.

Which is ironic (...coincidental?) because Eminem was a huge inspiration for him.

I'm eating Jelly Belly jelly beans as I type this so, I'm suffering.

But back to the subject.

Inpaine is from Harlem, New York. How do I know him? We go to school together.

Below is a link to his most recent video, which is personally, one of my favorite songs, not just of his, but of 2016 so far.

Hate Ballad (Problem) - Inpaine

Was I right? And if you're not a fan of rap- like at all- I am sorry, and you are entitled to your own opinions. EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE WRONG!

Kidding. You are entitled to your own opinions.

This post was short, compared to yesterday's, but I don't think you guys like long posts.

I am adding the links to Inpaine's Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube channel. Check him out.

@InpaineMusic Twitter

Inpaine Facebook

InpaineMusic YouTube Channel

This blog post has been a Public Service Annoucement brought to you be Inpaine.

Kidding. This was all McCartha's hard work. And by hard work, all I did was type about one of my best friends and promote his music.


Friday, January 8, 2016

Brandon Rogers

First of all, let me apologize for not posting the last few days. On Monday, I got two wisdom teeth taken out and all I've been doing since then is watch Brandon Rogers videos....I am a bit obsessive at this moment. And that's why I'm dedicating this post to him.

And if Brandon ever sees this, if you don't want to read the whole post of me talking about you being amazing, feel free to scroll down to the end. :)

Brandon Rogers being a babe.
To start off the actual post, I would like to point out that Brandon Rogers is physically aesthetic.

Why did I want to write a blog post about another YouTuber?

Brandon Rogers is not just another YouTuber. His videos are not just vlogs. Don't get me wrong, I love Shane Dawson, Lisbug, and Dan&Phil (just to name a few). But Rogers' videos are pretty much short films.

His videos are comedic, and yes YouTube is full of comedians, but Rogers stands out.

I first discovered him when someone on Instagram posted a clip of Mad Tea Party. I don't remember what clip it was, but I remember laughing my ass off and finding the full video on YouTube and really liking it. I watched the Five Nights at Freddie's parody and the human centipede parody.

But I left it at that. I didn't really watch any other videos for a while. But I revisited the Mad Tea Party videos because I am a huge Alice in Wonderland fan and the Mad Hatter has to be my favorite character that Rogers has portrayed.

Brandon Rogers as the Mad Hatter in Grandpa Hates Christmas
When he plays a character, he becomes the character. Of course it's still Brandon Rogers, but while you're watching the video he is the character completely.

Brandon Rogers is truly a gift to the world.

While the Mad Hatter is my favorite character of Rogers', I think the best character he portrays is Grandpa.

It's a hilarious character and it's what made Rogers go viral.
Rogers as his viral character, Grandpa, in Grandpa Hates Christmas
I remember seeing the vines that different people made of the "try me, bitch" scene and I knew it was Brandon Rogers, but for some reason I didn't look for the video, like I would normally do.

I didn't really get into Rogers until last week, because I was looking for a new YouTuber to get into and I hadn't seen all his videos, so I decided to give him a try.

I have literally laughed over his videos to the point of tears. And since the pain with my wisdom tooth started, before I got the surgery, I watched his videos and for those few minutes, I laughed until I cried and I forgot the pain that was my wisdom tooth growing horizontally.

And then after the surgery, I kept re-watching his videos because they were better than any pain meds that I was given.

Even as I'm typing this blog, I'm watching Theater Class again.

The fact that I have watched these videos multiple times and can still laugh, is amazing.

But I didn't just become a Brandon Rogers fan over his comedic videos. I think what really pulled me in was his darker videos. I am a huge Tim Burton/Johnny Depp fan.

The Tale of Wendylin Wayne, The Jabberwocky, and Wonka on Acid (which is included below), are probably my favorite videos.

Johnny Depp is my favorite actor in the Universe. I bring him up because he and Rogers are very similar, in that they become the characters they play.

Watch any of Rogers' character videos. The fact that you can separate him from the characters he plays is amazing. And I think that's why he sticks out to me.

And I still haven't figured out if it makes me an asshole when I laugh at his offensive jokes.


If you ever see this, I really do think you are amazing and talented. And even though I've been a fan for a short time, it have not regretted it.

Even though I don't have a life changing stories like some of your other fans, I have a very low tolerance for pain, so the fact that your videos helped me survive the oral surgery and you always cheer me up is actually a big thing to me.

Congratulations, on your 10 years on YouTube!

Notice me senpai, my Instagram is @drink_to_me and I have some fanart for you.