Monday, June 20, 2016

Leslie Odom Jr.

The beautiful man.
Leslie Odom Jr. is probably one of the most beautiful singers. He is definitely in my top five favorite singers. The man has been blessed with his voice.
This video that I included above is Leslie singing "Without You" from RENT, during the 2016 Obie Awards.

Isn't he amazing? He is currently on Broadway in the musical, Hamilton. He portrays Aaron Burr. The man who shot and killed Alexander Hamilton. However, Leslie is leaving the role on July 9th. I'm definitely going to write a blog post about him, Lin, and Pippa leaving.

I didn't "discover" Leslie, when I started loving Hamilton. I've known of his existence for a year or two, but I didn't really follow him. I first found him when I was binging Supernatural and he played Gus, a demon. I thought he was attractive, but I decided not to get attached because I figured he was going to die in he episode.

When I first fell in love with Hamilton, I saw him, recognized him, but left it at that. It wasn't until I watched the Hamilton meets Sweeney Todd performance that I actually was like "Wow!" and fell in love with him. I'll include the video below.
The entire cast is amazing. And I will be writing the post about Hamilton very soon. But yes, this video is one of my favorites of the entire cast.

"I'm the young Toby that got him!" The first time I watched that, I sat on my best friend's bed in his dorm and I laughed my ass off for a while.

Leslie Odom Jr. is amazing. And yes, he won a Tony. HE WON A FRICKING TONY!!! I watched the Tony Awards with my grandmother because of Hamilton. I admit, I never listened to any other show's soundtrack, but I was there for Hamilton, and they took home 11 Tonys! But yeah, I totally screamed when he won. I was so happy!

I feel like when Leslie sings, everyone stops to listen. He just released an album, which I haven't listened to, because I don't have the money to buy it, yet, but I know for a fact it's amazing. I heard a snippet of one of the songs, and it's amazing.

Not only can the man sing, he's just beautiful to look at. The man is just beautiful period.

I know besides Hamilton and Supernatural, I also know him from an episode of Grey's Anatomy and Gotham. So he's been popping up in my life randomly for years.

I am going to make up for having a longer post yesterday, by ending here. I am going to start "backlogging" a bunch of blog posts so I can start posting EVERYDAY!!

Farwell. I really wish, if I do have any avid readers, that you guys contact me and let me know you exist. I'd really like to know if I have a legit audience, or not.

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