Tuesday, June 21, 2016

My Top 5 Favorite Singers

Here is a list of my top 5 Favorite Singers. I'll be counting down. This is all MY OPINION!! Everyone looks at these men differently. I personally love all of them, or they would have never made it on to my list.

And I'm sorry that it's so late, but life is a thing.

5. Leslie Odom Jr.
I did a blog about why I find Leslie so amazing, yesterday. The man is amazing and when he sings. it's just amazing. He's one of my favorite singers because his voice is very soothing.

The song I chose is not my favorite song from Hamilton, which Leslie sings, but it's the first solo song that he sings as Aaron Burr. The song is "Wait for It" and although it's not my favorite, ("Dear Theodosia" is) I still think it is a beautiful song and he sings it wonderfully.

I have fallen asleep to his voice on several occasions. It relaxes me. After a long day of writing, crying an fangirling, sometimes you just need to unwind and listen to Leslie Odom Jr,'s beautiful voice. If you want to read more about why I love Leslie check out the post here! Or just scroll down.

4. Hadley Fraser
I wrote two blogs about Hadley last year. One where I talked about him, Sierra Boggess, and Ramin Karimloo. You can find that one here! And I wrote another one just about him and about how much I love him. You can find that one here!

Choosing a song to put here was hard, because I had to figure out which one from Hadley that I REALLY loved because I love them all. I couldn't find a good quality video of "But For Me" which is always the first song stuck in my head when I think of Hadley, SO I got the next best song, "Again", which is one of my favorite songs, but I don't think it illustrates Hadley's ability, like "But For Me" does. But it's still a beautiful song, written by Scott Alan

I haven't listened to Hadley in a while. I think I'll fall asleep to him tonight.

3. Ramin Karimloo
So far I've only written one blog regarding Ramin. That blog is here! That blog was about three people, not just Ramin, but I will be writing a blog post about Ramin and Ramin alone very soon, because he is still one of my favorite people. I have been a fan of his since 2012. I have loved this man for the past four years.

Choosing the song for him was hard, because honestly, he is amazing in everything he sings, which is why I love him so much. I chose "Why am I Falling?" because I just love the song so much.

Although he didn't make it as number one on my list, I think that I have fallen asleep to his voice, much more than anyone else on this list.

2. Chris Jackson
I will be writing a blog about Chris very soon. He is amazing, His voice is just so beautiful. I have a playlist on my phone of his songs from Hamilton and In the Heights, so he can sing me to sleep.

I have chosen "History Has It's Eyes on You" from Hamilton, because it's a song I admire very much.

But his voice is just beautiful. I wouldn't say it's soothing, but I really love listening to his voice. I don't know why. I'm saving all my love for his voice for the actual blog post about him that I am currently writing. I'm getting all my feelings out.

1. Brendon Urie
First of all, let me tell you why Brendon is number one. I still remember the first time I heard "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" on the radio. I remember the first time I saw "The Ballad of Mona Lisa" music video on TV.

Brendon Urie has been a huge part of my life for a long time and I will most likely be writing a blog post about him.

He is the lead singer of Panic! at the Disco. And I have listened to Panic! at the Disco at every funeral I've gone to, and I've been to more than I care to remember.

But Brendon's voice takes me away from my problems. Panic! at the Disco is my favorite band. And I think his voice has a huge part in that.

I have chosen "She Had the World (Alternate Version)" from Panic! at the Disco, because this is one of my favorite songs of all time. It's calming and his voice in the song is flawless.

Brendon Urie is truly amazing.


Tell me who you're top five favorite singers are.

Each one of these singers, I have fallen asleep to on several occasions. They are all amazing and I will forever shamelessly advertise their music and whatever projects they are doing!

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