Thursday, June 23, 2016

Update on My Writing

HI!!! I know I haven't posted any of my writing except maybe once. BUT I AM STILL WRITING!!

I had no idea for today's blog, so I decided to just put a chapter of one of my fanfictions that I am writing.

It's Hamilton related.

It's called "Redefine Your Destiny" it is set in modern times. Alexander Hamilton is adopted by the Washingtons. It's similar to his actual life, but I changed some stuff for dramatic and storyline purposes.

Alexander sat down, waiting patiently, to meet the next family who would probably, hopefully, adopt him. He wrote in the notebook, a gift from his last foster mom. Abigail was sweet and he loved her and hoped that she and her husband would adopt him, but Mr. Adams was a dick. So it wasn’t a complete loss, that they sent Alexander back to the Schuyler House. Alexander didn’t miss them. Abigail left him to be brought back and she didn’t even fight for him. “Alexander?” Catherine Schuyler, the director of the Schuyler House, exited a room. Alexander looked at her, closing his notebook. “Are you ready to meet Mr. and Mrs. Washington?” She asked. Alexander nodded, anxiously. “Okay. Come on.” Holding the door open, she welcomed Alexander. He got up from the sofa and walked into the room. He saw a woman who reminded him of Abigail, but she was much prettier than his last foster mom. He knew the man next to her. He was the infamous General George Washington. He was one of the most intimidating men who ever lived.
“Hi, Alexander.” The woman smiled. “I’m Martha.”
“Hi.” Alexander kept his eyes down, as he sat across from them.
“He’s shy in the beginning.” Catherine spoke for him, as she always did when he was meeting a new couple. “But once he warms up, he’s quite the chatterbox.”
“Cat told me that you like to write.” Martha explained. “Is that your journal?” She pointed at the notebook.
“Abigail gave it to me.” His voice was barely above a whisper.
“Abigail Adams?” George asked, the last name made Alexander flinch.
“Cat told us about what Adams did to you. I am so sorry, Alex.” Martha looked at him. He stared at her. He hated when people he didn’t know called him Alex.
“My name is Alexander.” Alexander raised his voice a bit.
“Don’t be rude.” Catherine nudged him.
“It’s fine Cat.” Martha nodded. “If you prefer Alexander, then I’ll call you Alexander.”
“Would you like to come live with us, Alexander?” Martha asked. He shrugged his response and looked at George, who kept a stern expression he whole time. “We live in Virginia. It’s about a five-hour drive from here, but I think you’ll really like it. Have you ever left New York?”
“I’m not from New York.” Alexander explained. “I was born on an island. Nevis. After my mom died, I was sent to live with my cousin who lived here.”
“What happened to your cousin?” George asked.
“He killed himself. Stared down the barrel of a gun.” Alexander explained.
“I’m sorry, Alexander.” Martha looked at him. “I’m sorry that you had to face so much tragedy at a young age. You’re not even fifteen yet.”
“Yeah, well I don’t have the best luck.” Alexander explained, he felt more comfortable with them. “If you’re from Virginia, why are you in New York?”
“My son, Jacky. He’s attending King’s College, we came to pick him up and take him back home for the summer.” Martha explained.
“Cat told us about the other two houses you lived in, as well. Let me personally apologize to you for ever being involved with Adams. He’s a difficult man. I don’t know how Abigail can live with him. I can assure you that you won’t have to worry about any of that with us.”
“If you already have a son, why do you want to adopt me?” Alexander asked.
“Because I can’t have any more children.” Martha explained.
“Why me?”
“Because Phil told us you’re a special kid.” George explained. Alexander looked at Catherine She smiled and nodded.
“Alexander, I want you to understand that we don’t intend to send you back, as your previous foster parents have. When things get hard- and they will- we will get through it together. That’s what a family does, and we hope that you will be part of our family.” Martha explained. “Phil and Cat told us so much about you- I feel like I already know you. Of course I don’t, but I’d love to get to know you, if you would let me.”
“You will be their foster son for a year.” Catherine explained. “But after a year, if you’re comfortable, they are open to the idea of officially adopting you.”
“Yes. But only if you’re comfortable living with us.”
“Okay.” Alexander nodded. Martha and George smiled. It was the first time Alexander had ever seen the infamous General Washington smile.
“That’s great. Cat said you have friends here. So we will give you tonight to pack your belongings and we’ll come to pick you up tomorrow.” Martha explained.
“I don’t have much. And I always keep it packed, since I’m moved around a lot.” Alexander explained.
“Do you have any more questions for the Washingtons?” Catherine asked. Alexander shook his head. “Okay. Why don’t you go back you your room?” He nodded and left the room. Walking through the hallway, he passed other foster kids and couples, waiting to meet their potential kids. He finally got to his room and walked in. His roommate, Aaron, sat on the bed opposite Alexander’s. Neither boy acknowledged each other. Alexander sat on his bed and began writing in his notebook.
“There he goes, writing like there’ not tomorrow.” Aaron laughed. “Did you meet them? What’s the General like?” Aaron was the closest Alexander had to a best friend. They were foster brothers in two houses, but when the Adams took only Alexander, it was the first time they separated since they met.
“He was intimidating at. He seems to not like Adams.”
“Good. Adams is an asshole.” Aaron replied. “What else about them?”
“They actually seem nice. Mrs. Washington told me that even when it gets hard- she wants to work through things together. As a family.” Alexander closed his notebook and looked at Aaron.
“So they’re taking you to Virginia?”
“Yeah.” Alexander rested his head on the wall. “I don’t really want to leave the city.”
“I’m pretty sure Angelica doesn’t want you to leave either.” Aaron smiled.
“Shut up!” Alexander threw one of his pillows at Aaron. He couldn’t help, but blush, because he had a crush on Angelica. And the rumor was she crushed on him too, but they never talked about it. Angelica was Catherine’s oldest daughter.
“You should tell her you’re leaving.”
“I’m sure she already knows.” Alexander explained.
“When are you leaving?” Aaron asked, laying down and staring at the ceiling. He loved Alexander like a brother, but he’d never admit it. He really didn’t want Alexander to leave. Not without him. They were a packaged deal.
“Tomorrow. They wanted to give me a chance to say my goodbyes and pack. But I’ll be back. I always come back.”
“No you won’t. Not this time. They’re taking you to another state. They’re not the Adams. The Washingtons are serious people and when they make a decision, they keep to that decision. So if they want to adopt you- they will adopt you.” Aaron was upset, but he didn’t bother looking at Alexander. A knock on their door, grabbed both of the boys’ attention. “Come in.” The three Schuyler sisters, Peggy, Eliza, and Angelica entered the room.
“Mommy said you’re leaving. Again.” Peggy, the youngest Schuyler sister, pulled out Aaron’s desk chair and sat down.
“Yeah. They’re taking me to Virginia tomorrow.” Alexander looked at the girls.
“Virginia?” Angelica sounded alarmed.
“Yeah. He’s getting out. There’s no way he’s ever coming back.” Aaron sat up. “I am going to go for a walk. I’ll be back in time for dinner.” He left the room,
“I say give it six months. They’ll be fed up with me and I’ll be back here.” Alexander explained.
“It’s the Washingtons. I don’t think you are coming back after you leave. Daddy said-“ Eliza began before getting cut off by Alexander
“I don’t care what Senator Schuyler or Cat said! The Washingtons are going to be like every other couple!” He yelled, scaring the two younger girls. “Everything always seems fine in the beginning, but I always find a way to screw it up.” He quitted his voice when he saw how Peggy cringed. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be yelling at you guys. It’s not your fault that I’m a screw up.”
“You’re not a screw up.” Angelica sat on his bed, next to him. “You’re not. You’re special.”
“But special kids never get adopted. I will never get adopted because no one wants me.” Alexander closed his eyes, preventing the tears from falling. “No one wants me.” He repeated it in a whisper. “My dad left me and my mom. Then when I went to go live with my cousin, he killed himself.” He stopped fighting the tears.
“Eliza, take Peggy and go find mom.” Angelica instructed. Eliza nodded and took Peggy by the hand, pulling her out the room and closing the door behind them. “Look at me, Alex.” Angelica looked into his violet-blue eyes. “The Washingtons are going to adopt you. They are really nice people.”
“But everyone leaves me, Ang.” Alex took a deep breath and wiped his face.
“That’s not true.”
“Yes it is.”
“Has my mom left you? Have I left you? You still have Aaron. Eliza and Peggy are young, but you’ll always have them. And my dad. We won’t leave you, Alexander.”
“Alexander?” Catherine entered the room with Eliza and Peggy following close behind. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Alexander lied. Catherine looked at her two youngest.
“Girls, will you let me talk to Alex alone?” She asked. Eliza nodded and grabbed Peggy’s hand again.
“Come on, Peg.” Eliza dragged the youngest out into the hallway again.
“I hope you feel better, Alex!” Peggy yelled from the hallway, before Eliza shut the door. Catherine looked at her oldest.
“You two Angel.”
“No buts. Go. Now. You can come back after I’ve finished talking to Alexander.” Catherine explained. Angelica looked at Alexander who nodded.
“Okay. I’ll be back.” Angelica took a deep breath and left the room, closing the door behind her. Catherine sat on the bed, next to Alexander.
“Talk to me.”
“The Washingtons want me now, but what happens when I screw up and- they don’t want me anymore? They’ll bring me back and I’ll never get adopted.” Alexander looked at the older woman. “No one wants me.”
“That’s not true.”
“Yes it is.”
“I’m a screw up.” He explained. “I always screw up.”
“No, my darling. You are not. Martha really likes you from what she’s heard from me and Phillip. They are willing to take on the challenge of parenthood a second time. For you.” Catherine explained. Alexander looked at her. “They know everything that Phil and I know about the past three houses. They know about your anxiety. They know about it all.”
“But what if they think they can handle it, but- but what if it’s just like the Adams again?” Alexander asked.
“It won’t be. I promise you. The General and Marty are the sweetest people you will ever meet. They will love you.”
“What makes you think that?”
“I love you. Phillip loves you. I’m sure they will love you too. They’d be wrong not to.” She told him. “You don’t think so, but you are a special kid, Alexander. You are meant to do great things.”
“Have I ever lied to you?” Catherine asked.
“Exactly. I- I wouldn’t allow you to meet them and I wouldn’t be encouraging you to live with them if I didn’t trust them. I want what’s best for you. And I think they are what’s best for you.” Catherine explained. Alexander looked at her. “It’s going to be okay. They are good people. Both loving and kind. It is understandable that you feel this way. But don’t forget to breathe. Okay, sweetheart?” He nodded.
“Thanks, Cat.”
“It’s my job to find you, and every other kid here a safe and loving home. You all deserve it. I know we haven’t had the best luck with the first three houses, but your streak of bad luck is over.” She hugged him. “I love you, Alexander as you were my own son. You will always have a home here.”
“Dinner will be served soon. I’m hoping tonight, you and Aaron will be joining us. It’s your last meal here. I’m sure everyone will want to say goodbye.” She explained. Alexander nodded. “Okay.” She kissed his head. Getting off the bed she walked to the door, only to nearly walk into Aaron. “Oh. Hi, Aaron.”
“Hi, Cat.”
“That was a short walk.” Alexander looked at his roommate. Closing the door behind Catherine, Aaron sat on the edge of his bed
“Yeah- well I barely made it out the door. Peggy and Eliza told me that you were having a meltdown. What happened this time?”
“It doesn’t matter, now. I feel better.” Alexander took a deep breath. “Cat wants us both to dinner.”
“That’s fine.”
“Aaron, can I ask you a question?”
“Sure?” Aaron was incredulous.
“Do you think Angelica will forget about me? Because I don’t think I’ll ever forget about her and- incase I don’t come back, I don’t want her to forget me. I want to come back and marry her.”
“Sure. Okay, Alexander.” Aaron laughed.
“I’m being serious.”
“It doesn’t matter if she will or she won’t forget you. She won’t wait for you. She’s Angelica Schuyler, the oldest daughter of the senator of New York. She’ll probably marry some politician or someone with money.” Aaron explained.
Laying down, Alexander let out a defeated, “You’re right.”
“Come on. You’re not going to get depressed over that, are you?”
“I’m going to the dining hall.” Aaron stood up and began walking back towards the door.
“It’s my last meal with you guys.” Aaron stopped in his tracks and looked at the other boy. “The last supper.” Alexander stared at the ceiling.
“Yeah. So make it a good one.”
“Well-“ Alexander propped himself on his elbows to look at Aaron. “I’m leaving tomorrow, so it technically won’t be the last meal. Just the last dinner. Because I’m pretty sure I’ll still be here for breakfast.”
“Okay. Let’s go.”
“It’ll be the first time I leave New York City since I got here two years ago.”
“And?” Aaron asked. Alexander got up quickly. “Can we go to dinner now?"

If you liked that you can find more to the story and some of my other writing on my Archive of Our Own account here.

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