Saturday, June 18, 2016


Again I will apologize for not posing in a long ass time.

But hi. How are you? I know people read my blog, but no one eve comments, so I can't really socialize with you guys.

But hi. Hello. I have a Tumblr you can follow here. It's mostly a Hamiton/In the Heights blog, but I try to post on it as often as I can.

I am on summer vacation and I will put a daily alarm on my phone so I can post everyday. I am trying, but so much is going on at once.

To catch up on:
  • Lin-Manuel Miranda:
    • I have become obsessed with Lin-Manuel Miranda, who I will ofcourse make a post about. The man is amazing.
  • Hamilton:
    • The cast and crew are all amazing, I haven't seen the show, but I've pretty much memorized the soundtrack already. Will definitely write a post about it.
  • In the Heights:
    • Again: amazing cast and crew. I have pretty much memorized the entire soundtrack. There will be a post about it.
  • Double Majoring:
    • I have claimed a double major of history and theater so the work load will be doubled.
  • Leslie Odom Jr.:
    • HE WON THE TONY!!! So did Lin, but Lin has won several Tony's for his last musical.
  • Chris Jackson:
    • Another actor from Hamilton who I have learned to love so damn much!
  • Life:
    • I will be blogging about life. Maybe. Depends on what happens. I already blogged about my depression. 
I am re-downloading the blogging app on my phone so I can blog more. And I plan to draft random blogs, so if I don't have anything to blog about on a given day, I can just post whatever is drafted.

I really want this blog to grow. I've had it for a year and a half, I started it late January of 2015 nd it's mid June 2016 now.


I'm not going to promise to be on more often because we all know how well that went the last few times.

I'm not promising. Just know I really am trying, but if I have no idea for a blog, that's what makes it hard.


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