Monday, February 2, 2015

Comparrison - Love Never Dies - OLC v. AMC

I can't help, but sing "Love Never Dies" whenever I read/type/write it. Is that weird?

This post is going to be all about the Andrew Lloyd Webber's Love Never Dies, the sequel to the Phantom of the Opera. I am going to be blogging my comparison of the Soundtrack cast and original cast versus the 2012 Australian movie cast.

Christine de Chagny (nee Daae) - Anna O'Bryne v. Sierra Boggess
If you have been following my blog since I opened it you know that I love Sierra Boggess and she is my favorite stage actress. I just love her. Boggess as Christine in the Original London Cast (OLC) of Love Never Dies was just amazing. I never got to see it, but listening to the Soundtrack, she did an amazing job. I really wish I would have been able to see it.

I did watch the 2012 Australian Movie Cast (AMC) which starred Anna O'Bryne as Christine and I think that she did an amazing job!

Christine's songs were amazing. Personally, I loved all of the songs. The lyrics and the music was beautiful.

How do I feel about Christine's death?

I believe that it had to happen. Honestly, I'm glad it did. Not because I don't like her. I never said, "Yay! She's dead!" It's not like that. I think it's good that she died, and it happened the way it did, because she ultimately chose Erik, the Phantom. She would never have forgotten about hurting Raoul, and I think that it would have tormented her for the rest of her life. I think I can survive knowing that Erik and Gustave are going to have their happily ever after. I actually cried when she died. I cried a lot.

Both Boggess and O'Bryne did an amazing job and I really loved both of their voices and portrayals of Christine.
The Phantom - Ben Lewis v. Ramin Karimloo
Don't make me choose a favorite. I mean yes, Karimloo is my angel of music, but I must admit, Ben Lewis is amazing as well.

Ben Lewis is a very talented man.

If I had to choose between Karimloo or Lewis, I'd rather fall off a cliff. I love how Karimloo gets into the Phantom. Especially how he portrayed the Phantom in Phantom 25. He put a lot of emotion into it.

At the end of LND, when Christine died, they way Lewis wept. Yes. The world wept with him.

How do I feel about the Phantom having a kid?

I like the idea and I do believe he would be a good father. I don't know why I feel that way, but I do. And the way Gustave takes his mask off at the end. It was a real tear jerker.

Both Lewis and Karimloo are both extraordinary and they both played Erik perfectly.

Raoul de Chagny - Simon Gleeson v. Joseph Millson
Yes. I was heartbroken that Hadley Fraser did not play Raoul in LND.

I mean they had Karimloo and Boggess. Where was Fraser?

Anyway, I have to work with Simon Gleeson and Joseph Millson. I am okay with that.

From  listening to the OLC, I have really fallen in love with Millson's voice.

However, I really loved Gleeson's performance in the movie. I mean I fell in love with him and his voice.

If I had to choose my favorite, it would be Gleeson.
Love Never Dies - AMC v. OLC
I do not appreciate that Andrew Lloyd Webber made Raoul into a huge jerk. I actually love Raoul in Phantom of the Opera. I still love him in LND, but I don't like what he became.

Of course the entire cast was amazing, but I really am too lazy to do EVERYONE.

I don't know why people do not like LND. I really liked it. I will admit, compared to Phantom of the Opera, Love Never dies was not one of ALW's best, but I still really loved it.

The music. The story line. I really just loved it.

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