Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Dallon James Weekes

He is so goddamn beautiful.
I should not obsess over Dallon because I have a rule about my obsessions. They cannot be married. Dallon is married to Breezy (which I ship wholeheartedly) but he's so pretty and he sings. And plays music and is adorable and I can't deal!

His children are adorable. His son, Knox, looks just like him.

I promise not to make this a long post.
But then again, I could probably write pages about this man.
We'll see what happens.

Dallon James Weekes.

Okay, so I've been a Panic at the Disco fan since 2012(ish) maybe before. But I was definitely a fan at my great uncle's funeral, when I was a freshman in high school. Because at every funeral I have gone to (which is unfortunately a lot) I always listen to Panic!. They have managed to take me away from my "problems". That is why I think it's safe to say that they are my favorite band. I never have to be in the mood to listen to them. If I'm ever in the mood to listen to music, and I don't know what to listen to, I just put Panic at the Disco on.

But anyway. Back on topic!

I remember being a fan when the band was just Spencer Smith and Brendon Urie. HOWEVER, apparently, Dallon was part of the band when I first became a fan. Whether he was a FULL TIME member or not, I couldn't tell you.

But I "discovered" him for myself three or four years ago. I was on Instagram (when am I ever not on Instagram) and someone posted a picture of him and Amelie, his daughter, and the caption was something like imagine Dallon picking his daughter up from kindergarten. And from that day forward I was curious to learn more about him.

I didn't learn much besides that he was a member of Panic at the Disco, but at least I was now aware of him.

As time progressed, I realized that the man is very attractive, but I left it at that, because I didn't know much about him.

Fast forward to New Years Eve, 2013. Welcoming 2014. I was watching a plethora of New Years celebrations on TV. Dick Clark's Rockin' New Years as always, but I was also watching something in Vegas, hosted by Mario Lopez and Panic! performed. Spencer wasn't playing drums, which really caught me off guard. At the time, I didn't know that he was in rehab (and that he would never return to the band). I think Dallon might have been performing with the band that night, but I don't remember.

Now fast forward to mid 2015. I became more aware of Dallon. Even though he's not a "real" member of Panic! now, I noticed him more in the videos.

Fast forward one more time to early 2016. I added him and his wife, Breezy on Snapchat and have unintentionally been falling more and more in love with him. Again, I respect Breezy and I respect their marriage and relationship, but I really do appreciate him being an attractive and amazing human being.

During my Spring Break, I discovered "Mean Ol Moon", a song that Dallon covered on his album TWOMINCVRS. And I became obsessed with the album and bought it. I have been listening to all three songs non-stop. Yes. There are only three songs on the album.
Album cover for TWOMINCVRS
A few days ago I discovered that Dallon (with the Brobecks and Brendon Urie) covered "Skid Row (Downtown)" from the musical, Little Shop of Horrors. The download is free and you can find it here.

I will forever shamelessly advertise Dallon, as long as he keeps making amazing music/covers.

Coincidentally, Little Shop, is one of my best friends' favorite musicals. We really want Dallon and Brendon to do a cover of "Suddenly Seymour" and I'll probably end this post with a letter to them asking to do "Suddenly Seymour". And I'll probably do a petition to get it done.

Also, if you have never watched the Little Shop of Horrors film with Rick Moranis, I HIGHLY recommend it.

So that is how I fell in love with Dallon Weekes.

Dear Dallon Weekes and Brendon Urie

My friend and I have heard your cover of "Skid Row (Downtown)" from Little Shop of Horrors and we really love it. We were wondering if you guys would be interested in doing "Suddenly Seymour". We tweeted you both, but since you have an immensely large following on Twitter, you probably did not see it. We suggest that Dallon sing Seymour's part and Brendon sings Audrey. But of course, if you do decide to do it, it is all completely your choice of arrangement. We really hope you do decide to cover the song.

Thank you for your time,
McCartha Montieth

Let's all pray that they see this.


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