Thursday, March 24, 2016

Michael Joseph Jackson

Before I start this post, I just want to say ANY hate will not be tolerated and will be deleted.
Michael in the Bad era
Michael Jackson is known for being one of the best singers and dancers to have ever walked the Earth.

Don't believe me? Listen to any song. Watch any performance. He always tried to do his best in his performances. Sure toward the Bad era and forward up until his death, he started lip syncing, but he still tried his best dancing-wise.

And whether you believe he ever lip synced or not is up to you. My high school music teacher was a roadie (and got to play guitar for two nights) for the Bad tour and he explained that Michael lip synced.

But I don't think it's a bad thing for Michael to lip sync when he was dancing. I mean it's hard to do either and to do both, must be death.

I wanted to write this blog about Michael because I was a huge fan of Michael. I still am. I mean I have several books and DVDs. I bought his autobiography. I had a die-hard crush on him when I was in first grade. But then my older brother came and started telling me about the allegations of Michael "touching little boys". I was in first grade, but it still put me off.

Now fast forward to 6th grade. It was a few months before he died. I was sitting in my science class (which I hated) and my teacher put on the video for "They Don't Really Care About Us", the version they shot in Brazil, not the prison version. Why he played that in a science class, I will never understand. It probably made sense at the time, but that was almost seven year ago.

After watching that video, I started getting into Michael again and it was pretty awesome for a while. I got my younger brother into him with me. We had the Wii and it had internet on it, so we watched the videos on YouTube on the TV.

Then on the day of my older brother's 8th grade graduation, a friend of his texted him saying that Michael had died. None of us believed it, until my aunt asked one of my neighbors who said "Yeah. Died of a heart attack".

Now this was before I was the emotional mess I am today. So I didn't really feel anything. Just ehn. But I was still a fan of his. And I think his death made me more of a fan. I learned everything I could about him. Reading books, including his autobiography, and watching documentaries. I watched all of his music videos.

My little brother bought This is It on DVD. Personally, I think it would look better as part of my collection, but he bought it with his money, so I can't say anything.
Michael in his outfit from "Black or White" and with the- I wanna say Jaguar- from the video
If you were to call me Michael trash, you would be right. I know a lot about him. Too much sometimes. That is probably why I didn't have friends in high school.

I think my favorite album of his is Invincible. I don't know why, because that was the one album I kinda stayed away from when I was a die-hard fan.

But now it's my favorite album. And it has (I never knew before I listened to the album) my favorite Michael song which is "You Rock My World". The video is right below.
The video features Chris Tucker, and if you ever get the chance, watch some of his stand-up. I remember him talking about Michael and it was a funny story.

Also, besides Michael being a great singer and dancer, he makes beautiful music videos. Every single one of his videos is like a mini-movie. And then we have Moonwalker, the movie, and Ghost, the mini-movie. There is also Captain EO, which used to be on YouTube. I don't know if it's there anymore.

The man is amazing. Again, I will reiterate, that any hate will be deleted. I will not tolerate hate on my blog, not just about, but about anyone who I post about. I don't care how you feel about the person.

I was thinking of not just doing album reviews, but also music video reviews. So look forward for those in the near future.

I have a new laptop, so I will be posting more, but I also cracked my screen last night, so being that it was a touch screen it glitches a little bit sometimes because of the crack and the screen needed to be popped back in. Hopefully, I can get it fixed ASAP. The touch screen really does help.

So expect album reviews and music video reviews of Michael. And if you want to suggest some, just leave a comment and or email me at

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