Saturday, January 31, 2015

Entertainment - Drew Seeley

It's a late blog post. I'm sorry! Okay! Geez!
Weekdays the post will be posted most at a scheduled time, because of school, I do those before hand, but the weekends are going to be nuts, because I write on the spot. I didn't know what to write about today, so I just thought, "Why not Drew Seeley?" If you don't know who Drew Seeley is, here's a photo.
A somewhat recent picture of Seeley
So if that picture doesn't jog your memory, he was in Another Cinderella Story with Selena Gomez and he sang for Troy Bolton (Zac Efron's characters) in the first High School Musical movie and the HSM Concert. He also sang for Christopher Wilde (Sterling Knight's character) in Starstruck. (I know GASP I literally just found out as I write this post.)
Remember him now?
If not, here's a video of him at the HSM Concert.
Seeley and Vanessa Hudgens perform "Breaking Free" at the HSM Concert
Now do you remember him? You should by now. He is a huge member of the Disney Franchise! At least that's what I believe.

Well it has just came to my attention that Mr. D. Seeley is on tour with the Jersey Boys Tour playing the role of Bob Guadio, who wrote the lyrics for the Four Seasons.

I was so excited when I found out about him being in Jersey Boys. I love the music. I loved the movie. I have never seen the Broadway show, and I was hoping to catch the tour, but due to unfortunate circumstances I can't go, and it broke my heart, because I have always loved Drew Seeley. He was ALWAYS on my list of people I want to meet, hug, and take pictures with.

Today, I have been kinda sulking about not being able to go, and I have been re-familiarizing myself with Seeley because it really has been like three or four years since I listened to his music, or seen him in a movie. I found this video/song.
Seeley and Chelsea Kane performing "DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again"
First of all I have to acknowledge the little booty shake at 00:10.
The video reminded me why I became a fan of his in the first place.

1. He's a really great singer.
2. The man can dance.
3. He is absolutely gorgeous.

In the end, I decided to dedicate this post to Drew Seeley, because I KNOW that he had a lot more fans when he was a Disney star, and a lot of them slowly faded away and forgot about him.


This man has more talent in his little finger than most musicians in the pop business today.

Also, today is January 31, it is Justin Timberlake's birthday! Happy 34th to him!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Writing - A McCartha Original

So I was thinking, every Friday, I would post an excerpt of my writing. I write a lot, so I have a lot of excerpts to post, so be prepared!!

This excerpt was me just brainstorming something.

After the show gained popularity, Sam began to be much more paranoid. To the point that she began to lose it. She claimed that Hadley was fooling around behind her back. To her, the show felt like reality. It concerned us all. It went on for almost two years before Hadley finally gave in.

"Tell me the truth! Tell me you don't love me and I'll be gone! Out of your life for good!" She was screaming hysterically. Hadley stood in the doorway between the living room and dining room with his arms crossed. He remained calm. He was always calm, despite the circumstances.

"Sam." His voice shattered her. She fell to her knees and wept. "Samantha."

"No. No. No. You betrayed me. It's all over between us! I know it is."

"Samantha." He took a step closer to her.

"No!" She screamed. She moved to a corner of the room and pulled her knees up to her chest.


"No. No. No. No. No. No. No." She must have said it a hundred times. There was a knock on the door, alarming her.

"It's open." Hadley didn't take his eyes off his distraught wife. How could he? Two men in white uniforms walked in, following a man in a suit.

"Mr. Barnes?" The man in the suit asked. Hadley nodded. "Mrs. Barnes, I am Arthur Greenwood. Please come with me." Sam looked at Hadley.

"No. You can't do this to me. Hadley, you didn't- I am not going to the crazy house. No never!"

"Mrs. Barnes, please make this easy for yourself."

"Never! No! You can't do this to me. To your wife. Hadley!" She pleaded.

"I'm sorry." Hadley whispered, afraid he'd break.

"Gentlemen." Arthur directed. Both men grabbed Sam.

"No! No! How could you do this to me? Hadley! You bastard! Why?" She screamed as they carried her out of the house. She began to sob loudly. She felt betrayed. Hadley kept his eyes closed.

"You are free to visit her whenever you would like." Arthur explained. Hadley didn't budge. His hands clenched into fists. As soon as the door closed he collapsed to the ground and he just lost it.

Hadley had sent the love of his life to the asylum.

So I hope you guys enjoyed that little drama piece. I never continued it. I don't have anything surrounding it. I couldn't think of any way to continue it.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

YouTube - Why I Love AVByte

First things first! If you have never watched or listened to an AVByte masterpiece, watch the video below. Please.
This video is my favorite AVByte video of all time. And I've seen all of their videos.

Reasons why I, McCartha Montieth, love AVByte, and why they are my favorite YouTube channel:

1. The Music

Antonius Nazareth is a musical genius!  He composes the music and he writes the lyrics for the songs in the videos. Even King Andrew Lloyd Webber didn't write the lyrics of Phantom of the Opera. A.Nazareth is a very talented composer and lyricist.

2. The Videos

Vijay Nazareth produces, and I believe directs the videos and they all come out amazing. They are all just perfect. I love them so much!

3. The Cast

They are all amazing. Everyone who has been a part of AVByte's videos, even if they're not a regular cast member like Travis Kent and Molly Gallagher. I don't have favorites, because everyone is just so talented and I love them all.

4. The Costumes and the Make-Up

Everything is always spot on. I don't know who does it for the cast, but who ever it is, has a serious talent and they deserve a trophy.

5. The Actual Videos/Music

AVByte's musicals are all modern and kids/teens of this generation will enjoy them. At least I believe so. I discovered them when I watched Sherlock: The Musical.

I don't call them YouTubers because to me, they are so much more than just YouTubers. They are artist and they are all amazing.

They actually tweeted me last year on 10/20/14. AVByte always makes me smile, even when they make fun with my favorite shows and what not. I actually bought two of their songs on iTunes, Sherlock: The Musical, and The Doctor and the Dalek.
I just really love them.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Music - My Angels of Music

"Angel of music, hide no longer. Secret and strange angel."
Hadley Fraser, Ramin Karimloo, and Sierra Boggess.
 The three in the picture above are just so amazing. I love them. Their voices are beautiful. If you have never watched the Phantom of the Opera 25th Anniversary, go watch it now. It's on YouTube and Netflix. It is amazing. The chemistry of these three is beautifully amazing,
Hadley Fraser
Hadley Fraser played Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny in the 25th anniversary of Phantom of the Opera at Royal Albert Hall. He did such an amazing job. He was my first Raoul and my favorite, besides Joseph Millson and Simon Gleeson who played Raoul in Love Never Dies the soundtrack and the 2012 movie. But back to Hadley, because he wasn't in Love Never Dies, which is not cool. His voice is beautiful. I love his voice as well as him as an actor. He was also in the Les Miserables 2012 film, a Doctor Who episode. He has played multiple characters in Les Miserables, including: Javert, Grantaire, and Marius. What I love about his voice is that it can be soft, sweet, and romantic, but it can also be loud, passionate, and dramatic. You can choose which you like better.
Hadley Fraser's version of "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables" from when he played Marius Pontmercy in Les Miserables.
Ramin Karimloo
Just so you know, these are not in any particular order. I do not love Fraser more than Karimloo, nor vice versa.
Personally, if one could marry a voice, I think I would probably marry Ramin Karimloo's voice. No words can describe his voice. He first came to my attention with Phantom 25, as Fraser did. I fell in love with his voice and I didn't even know what he really looked like. I watched the movie several times just to hear him sing. I do not regret falling in love with his voice first, because it allowed me to fall in love with him and not just his good looks. After I Googled him, I saw that he was a very attractive man, but who is married with two kids who are drop-dead adorable. His voice is magnificent, just listen and see for yourself.
Here is "Music of the Night" from Phantom 25, where Ramin portrayed the title character.
Sierra Boggess
Lastly, but surely not least, we have the amazingly beautiful and wonderful Sierra Boggess. Honestly, she is my favorite of the three. I can't tell you how much I love this woman. Not only did she do and amazing job as Christine Daae in Phantom 25, but she played my favorite Disney princess, Ariel. Her voice is like warm hugs to your ears. At least, that's what I feel. She is my favorite Broadway/theater actress. No other woman has won my heart as Boggess did as Christine.
Sierra Boggess as Ariel in the Little Mermaid, performing "Part of Your World" from the Broadway show.
Honestly, I love the live recording more, whether they are bootlegs or not, than if they record their voices in a studio. I don't know why. Maybe it's because it's just the rawness of it that I like and I feel that live is more authentic, because it's in that moment. Rarely will you see me post recorded versions of songs when it comes to Broadway. Love Never Dies is the only exception because the quality of the bootlegs of the original cast are really terrible.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

TV - Why I Love Jack Harkness and Rory Williams

As my first official blog post, I would like to talk about one of my favorite TV shows, Doctor Who, and two of my favorite characters.

Doctor Who

What words can i use to describe Who? Fantastic. Allons-y. Geronimo. Those are too cliche. A lot of people will try to use those. How about I start off with explaining why I personally love two characters in the show? 
Captain Jack Harkness and Rory Williams, the Centurion.
Those are my favorite characters because John Barrowman, who plays Captain Harkess, lightens up my day no matter what and then Arthur Darvill is just charming, adorable, and just plain lovable.
This post is going to focus on the new series from 2005 to now, pretty much. With Nine-Christopher Ecceleston, Ten-David Tennant, Eleven-Matt Smith, and somewhat Twelve-Peter Capaldi. I am not completely caught up with Capaldi yet, and Rory and Jack are not in his season, so his season will not really apply to this post.
The very attractive and lovable John Barrowman as Captain Jack Harkness in Doctor Who/Torchwood.

Captain Jack Harkness

He is undeniably attractive. He flirts with anyone and everyone. Not because he has "low standards", but because he just thinks everyone is hot. Just remember, no matter how awkward you feel about yourself, Jack will most definitely flirt with you. That is why he is my #1 favorite character. Jack is the best, and he got his own spin-off. A SPIN-OFF!! Even Billie Piper's Rose Tyler spin-off couldn't get off the ground and we all know how much Whovians love her. If you have watched the new series of Who, but have never watched Torchwood, I HIGHLY recommend it. It's for more of an adult audience. As Doctor Who is a family show, Torchwood is more TV-MA. Jack Harkness is, to me, the most lovable character, because of his personality. I love the way John Barrowman portrays him I mean his first line on the show was, "Nice bottom". Not to mention he and Gareth David-Lloyd, Ianto in Torchwood, made a cute couple (Jianto Forever).

Have you ever heard John Barrowman sing? His voice is magnificent!
He does this song beautifully and he calls it his anthem, and I just love his voice.

The adorable Arthur Darvill, who portrayed Rory Williams in Doctor Who.

Rory Arthur Williams

Rory Williams is the man! Why do I say that? Because he waited 2000 years for Amy. Who does that? Rory does! He is the sweetest character. He is hopelessly in love with Amy. I just love him. I love the way Arthur Darvill portrayed him I cried every time he died. When I watched Angels in Manhattan and the Weeping Angel touched him at the end, I literally slammed shut my laptop and I wanted to scream. I think I did scream. I said, "No! He can't die if I don't finish the episode!" I was in denial for the rest of the season. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Clara, but I honestly love Rory more. Although Jack is my #1, Rory is ranked #0, because I love him so much, he doesn't even rank. I love him so much. I mean even at the beginning I loved him and I hoped to see more of him, which we did. Then when his idjit self touched the crack, my heart shattered. Poor Amy. She forgot about him, until he appeared as the Centurion. But when he held Melody in his arms for the first time and with tears in his eyes he said, "Damn. I wanted to be the cool dad," (or something of that nature) I melted, because the scene was so adorable. I just love him and watching his scenes makes me happy.

Below is a video of Arthur Darvill singing his parody of the song, "Let it Go" from Disney's Frozen.
Before I end this, can I point out that both of these guys just so happen to coincidentally have musical talents. John Barrowman does Broadway and theater, as well as his own solo career, and Arthur Darvill is in a band, I believe.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Welcome to McCartha's World!

Welcome to the world of McCartha!
I am McCartha Montieth, known on Instagram as @drink_to_me
I wanted to make a blog post introducing myself, even though I don't have any followers, yet.

My name is McCartha Montieth. I was born Jazzmin Padilla, but I really don't like my name. McCartha was born from my obsession with Paul McCartney and the Beatles. Montieth is an ode to the late Cory Monteith who I owe a lot to, because he helped my accept myself. I am 17, I was born Feb. 28, 1997, in Brooklyn, New York. I am currently a senior in high school and college bound. I love music and the only time I'm not listening to music is at school, but only because I am not allowed to. My favorite genre is rock, but I like all music. From Opera to Country to Pop. I really like Classic Rock. Elvis, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, etc. If I had to listen to one song for the rest of my life, it would be "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" by the Proclaimers. I can't get enough of that song. I have an older and younger brother, and a sister-in-law. My favorite color is red. I love to write fanfictions. I have a Wattpad account, if you're ever interested. My favorite show is Boardwalk Empire. I am a HUGE history geek. I am going to be attending college as a History Major. I don't know which specific era I want to study, but I'll figure it out sooner or later. I have a lot of OTPs, which include Rierra, Gosh, Destiel, Chair, Monchele, Klaine, Barrowment, and Pheric. I am a fangirl at heart and the I will forever love Justin Timberlake and the Jonas Brothers. I love Broadway shows. Jersey Boys, Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables, and Love Never Dies are my favorites.

Now, if you got through that entire paragraph, you deserve a trophy.
I hope you guys enjoy my blog!