Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Music - My Angels of Music

"Angel of music, hide no longer. Secret and strange angel."
Hadley Fraser, Ramin Karimloo, and Sierra Boggess.
 The three in the picture above are just so amazing. I love them. Their voices are beautiful. If you have never watched the Phantom of the Opera 25th Anniversary, go watch it now. It's on YouTube and Netflix. It is amazing. The chemistry of these three is beautifully amazing,
Hadley Fraser
Hadley Fraser played Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny in the 25th anniversary of Phantom of the Opera at Royal Albert Hall. He did such an amazing job. He was my first Raoul and my favorite, besides Joseph Millson and Simon Gleeson who played Raoul in Love Never Dies the soundtrack and the 2012 movie. But back to Hadley, because he wasn't in Love Never Dies, which is not cool. His voice is beautiful. I love his voice as well as him as an actor. He was also in the Les Miserables 2012 film, a Doctor Who episode. He has played multiple characters in Les Miserables, including: Javert, Grantaire, and Marius. What I love about his voice is that it can be soft, sweet, and romantic, but it can also be loud, passionate, and dramatic. You can choose which you like better.
Hadley Fraser's version of "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables" from when he played Marius Pontmercy in Les Miserables.
Ramin Karimloo
Just so you know, these are not in any particular order. I do not love Fraser more than Karimloo, nor vice versa.
Personally, if one could marry a voice, I think I would probably marry Ramin Karimloo's voice. No words can describe his voice. He first came to my attention with Phantom 25, as Fraser did. I fell in love with his voice and I didn't even know what he really looked like. I watched the movie several times just to hear him sing. I do not regret falling in love with his voice first, because it allowed me to fall in love with him and not just his good looks. After I Googled him, I saw that he was a very attractive man, but who is married with two kids who are drop-dead adorable. His voice is magnificent, just listen and see for yourself.
Here is "Music of the Night" from Phantom 25, where Ramin portrayed the title character.
Sierra Boggess
Lastly, but surely not least, we have the amazingly beautiful and wonderful Sierra Boggess. Honestly, she is my favorite of the three. I can't tell you how much I love this woman. Not only did she do and amazing job as Christine Daae in Phantom 25, but she played my favorite Disney princess, Ariel. Her voice is like warm hugs to your ears. At least, that's what I feel. She is my favorite Broadway/theater actress. No other woman has won my heart as Boggess did as Christine.
Sierra Boggess as Ariel in the Little Mermaid, performing "Part of Your World" from the Broadway show.
Honestly, I love the live recording more, whether they are bootlegs or not, than if they record their voices in a studio. I don't know why. Maybe it's because it's just the rawness of it that I like and I feel that live is more authentic, because it's in that moment. Rarely will you see me post recorded versions of songs when it comes to Broadway. Love Never Dies is the only exception because the quality of the bootlegs of the original cast are really terrible.

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